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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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1 minute ago, Lichtie78 said:

In St Andrews so it isn't too bad, although it's right next to where United train so I am actually running the risk of having to look at Simon Murray's face.

Nip over tomorrow and see if you can find any of Aaron Lennox's teeth, I'll see if I can clone a goal keeper from the DNA before Wednesday.

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Smelly people. I'm not talking about fresh BO as a result of exercise. I'm talking that fusty never washed in years smell. Dirty stinking clatty b*****ds. There's absolutely no excuse to smell like that. You can get shower gel as cheap as £1. Even cheaper for a bar of soap. These inconsiderate arseholes (quite literally) seriously boil my piss.

Maybe the smell isnt them, maybe it's the saucepan of your urine boiling on the hob?
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2 hours ago, throbber said:


It's bloody annoying - some people at work I have seen with earphones in which is just not going to work and is unsafe but a site radio can make the day so much easier and is hardly hazardous.

I hate having to wear thick trousers at work which is a policy on some sites I've worked on, much prefer trackies particularly in the summer.


Are you there to take part in some athletic event? Perhaps an Olympic qualifier? The World Championships? Are you an athlete in training? Do you expect to suddenly run the 1500m in a record time? No? Then why the f**k would you be wearing sports clothing on a building site? It's a place of work so you wear work clothes. You're there to work not to lounge around listening to your latest choons on the wireless and enjoying yourself. Work man, work. Drag yourself out of your Adidas-clad gutter and aspire through the sanctifying cleansing that is honest graft.


grumble grumble grumble kids today mutter grumble

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7 hours ago, Widge said:

Rightly so as well. There unless it's just painting, in which it's ok. All the contracts I write specifically say no radios or mobile phones are to be used for a reason.

What's the reason for no radio, grandad? Can adults not be trusted to listen to music without falling off scaffolding?

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What's the reason for no radio, grandad? Can adults not be trusted to listen to music without falling off scaffolding?

They can't be trusted to hear someone shouting 'watch for the daft p***k falling off the scaffolding onto you' when skipping past the bottom of the scaffolding to the latest Little Mix tooooooon.
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What's the reason for no radio, grandad? Can adults not be trusted to listen to music without falling off scaffolding?

Pretty much. If you're listening to music you're not fully concentrating on what you're doing. It depends on the site, one man on his own fitting a door is fine, but more than one person on a busier site it's then a hazard of you're not fully aware of your surroundings at all times. I've never walked into site and made people turn the radios off, but HSE can quite easily.
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Pretty much. If you're listening to music you're not fully concentrating on what you're doing. It depends on the site, one man on his own fitting a door is fine, but more than one person on a busier site it's then a hazard of you're not fully aware of your surroundings at all times. I've never walked into site and made people turn the radios off, but HSE can quite easily.

My journeyman used to have a miniature radio that we'd use when we were doing basic interior jobs like skirting or facings, got turned off instantly when we were doing anything larger.

The painters used to play music from their phones, caused a bit of a scene when one from Glasgow forgot he had the sash on his playlist and the Celtic fan on site overheard it. After that only radios were allowed.
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1 hour ago, throbber said:

No, was meaning at Widge who i thought i was posting beneath him but mizfit posted before me! I know you have got your hands dirty ffs!:lol:

Is blood the same as dirt?

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There's clearly enough room to get out that drive.

There is if you want to turn right but I need to turn left and just out if shot is a car parked on the other side of the road. It takes a 3 point turn to get round.
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