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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Im using the printing example to show how fucked up IT is these days.  Simple things that I could have fixed myself in a matter of minutes now requires "the IT c**t" as they are fondly referred to, to come and push a button your computer.
I wish I could print a mushroom supper right now tbf.  Im starving.

Push your own button ya lazy c**t.
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1 hour ago, Trackdaybob said:

Tv channels increasing the volume when the adverts are on. Kuntz the lot of them :angry: 


Even within some shows it's an issue, especially some American ones. Loads of dialogue conducted in the cryptic mutters our friends across the pond seem to think passes for dramatic intensity - Kiefer Sutherland's particularly bad for this - then cut to:


Incidental music dubbed waaayyy too loud for what has gone before.

Julien Temple totally fucked up the Dr Feelgood biopic he did by doing this - the interview sequences are fine, but they're interspersed with live sequences which are ridiculously loud in comparison...suppose it's meant to convey their intensity as a live band or something, but just makes the whole thing an annoying-to-watch mess.


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18 minutes ago, Cerberus said:

When you walk through a spider's web.
It's tickles and I imagine a spider is somewhere on me.

The amount of webs in the gardens are unbelievable just now, must be the time of year or something. Fucking brutal.

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Facial piercings. I just don't find them attractive. Yesterday I saw a young woman who would have been quite pretty if it wasn't for the ring in her nose. From the side it looked like a dangling snotter.

I'm not normally a fan of facial piercings but I do think nose piercings look quite good on women.
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2 hours ago, GordonD said:

Facial piercings. I just don't find them attractive. Yesterday I saw a young woman who would have been quite pretty if it wasn't for the ring in her nose. From the side it looked like a dangling snotter.

Full agreement with this. When it comes to tattoos and piercings, I'm generally of the "it's your body, do what you want with it" school of thought. However, those dangly-out-the-nostril piercings, especially when they're on an otherwise attractive lassie always make me start channelling my mother. My inner elderly Scottish wumman wants to yell "Get that thing out of your nose it looks terrible!"

Edited by Shotgun
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There was what appeared to be a junior tarantula sitting on top of the cornicing in our living room the other day. I had thought of taking a pic of it for KB but it was too disturbing. If it reappears near ground level I will need to contact Grimbo and get him to torch the place. 

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People who film the majority of concerts on their phone. Put it down FFS, some of us want to watch it live and not through your phone screen.

Yeah I totally agree with this. Fair enough doing it for your favourite song because you want the memory. But people who do it for the whole thing have a special place in hell reserved for them.
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People who film the majority of concerts on their phone. Put it down FFS, some of us want to watch it live and not through your phone screen.

Saw the black angels last night, the guy in front of me took photos or videos for almost every song, I "accidentally" bumped into him a few times hoping it would stop, utter tool
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1 hour ago, Blootoon87 said:

People who film the majority of concerts on their phone. Put it down FFS, some of us want to watch it live and not through your phone screen.

All part of the look at me craze amongst people nowadays.

They aren't so much desperate to go to the show as they are desperate to tell everyone and anyone they were at the show.

Real fans can't get tickets because of these tosspots either.

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2 hours ago, Widge said:

because you want the memory

Surely that's what your memory is for though? :lol: 

The majority of these social media drones with their phones filming concerts don't even know why they're doing it :lol: They've just been conditioned by social media. 

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