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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Little fucking brats!!! :angry: there is a wee shite across the road from us, and him and his wee pal were giving cheek to my next door neighbour yesterday, and they came back later on when he was in his garden and started throwing rosebuds at him, and calling him "an old fart" and "a coffin dodger" and when my neighbour told them to go away or he would tell their parents, they told him to f**k off! they are only 10-year olds as well :huh: they were also caught, along with the wee shite's 21-year old brother who should know better, dumping rubbish, in the GRAVEYARD !!!!! the wee shite also refuses to go to school, and his mum doesnt even bother, she is a lazy cow, she has no job, she goes to the bingo nearly every night of the week, she gets taxis everywhere, she lets her kids play their music as loud as they like, often so that i have turn my telly up full blast to drown the music out. Also they have 2 cars in the drive, and only one has a valid tax disc on it, and it's been sitting for ages with flat tyres, so rather than fix the tyres, they take the valid tax disc out of it and use it in the other car, which doesnt have a tax disc :huh: against the law surely?

You should have taken my advice before.

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Some arsehole left a deep footprint in a bunker that cost me at least one stroke although I did hit the first one fairly well but thanks to the buildup of sand it never touched the ball - I took another 4 to get out - so in effect it cost me 5 strokes and I will now have to wait 10 months before having a shot at getting to the 13 holers :angry:

Petty indeed but its in the title of the thread :P

Edited by ochil-clyde
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Some arsehole left a deep footprint in a bunker that cost me at least one stroke although I did hit the first one fairly well but thanks to the buildup of sand it never touched the ball - I took another 4 to get out - so in effect it cost me 5 strokes and I will now have to wait 10 months before having a shot at getting to the 13 holers :angry:

Petty indeed but its in the title of the thread :P

Hacking your way out of cooncil bunkers is part of the learning curve. Manicured bunkers are for pampered c***s.

Play it as if your ball is plugged BTW. No worries.

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Hacking your way out of cooncil bunkers is part of the learning curve. Manicured bunkers are for pampered c***s.

Play it as if your ball is plugged BTW. No worries.

Every course I have been at has told you to rake your bunkers.

My moan for today - the events at New Douglas Park today. Shocking stuff :(

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I would like to add to this, lazy folk at work who dont pull their weight, and leave other folk to do the graft. Had to load up 2 lorries myself today cos of the resident lazy c**t mucking about and taking fag breaks every ten minutes. My words -"gies a hand graham, we need to get these orders out fast" lazy c**t - "not my problem" <_<

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I would like to add to this, lazy folk at work who dont pull their weight, and leave other folk to do the graft. Had to load up 2 lorries myself today cos of the resident lazy c**t mucking about and taking fag breaks every ten minutes. My words -"gies a hand graham, we need to get these orders out fast" lazy c**t - "not my problem" <_<

Squeal on him to your line manager, like Rick in Home and Away.

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Alf's greatest moment, despite calling all and sundry a bunch of "flamin' drongos", was when he was suffering a brain tumour and belived that Aylssa was sitting chatting to him.

She had been dead the best part of five years, the cad!

I remember that :lol:

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