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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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3 hours ago, capybara said:

Dentist tomorrow...

Ah the inevitable dressing down from the Dental Hygienist about not flossing. As someone else posted ages ago

Dental Hygienist: Your teeth are terrible, the plaque build up is the worst I have ever seen, all your teeth will fall out, your gums will bleed and you will die.

Dentist: open wide, yep, yep, all good here.

Edited by Swarley
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I’m back at work tomorrow and hope that there’s enough time passed since the 1st that no-one will demand Happy New Year handshakes. Anyone doing that shite after January 1st can get in the bin.

Plus every c*nt, telling you what their pointless New Year’s resolutions are! Aye, the same as last year eh?
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1 hour ago, DA Baracus said:

I'm dreading the whole 'How was your Christmas/New Years' bollocks. I shall give only a shrug or grunt or at most a monosyllabic reply.

Just tell them you've converted to Islam and no longer celebrate Christmas. That'll stop anyone from talking to you again. Remember to sign off with "Alluha Akbar".

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7 hours ago, Swarley said:

Just tell them you've converted to Islam and no longer celebrate Christmas. That'll stop anyone from talking to you again. Remember to sign off with "Alluha Akbar".

And miss out on the bacon rolls?  Not worth it.


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9 hours ago, Swarley said:

Just tell them you've converted to Islam and no longer celebrate Christmas. That'll stop anyone from talking to you again. Remember to sign off with "Alluha Akbar".

Wasn't he in 'Return of the Jedi'?

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Some gimp was on the radio yesterday campaigning for obesity to be classed as a disease to 'stop some of the stigma attached to it.'

I don't even know where to begin with that.  But I do fancy a Burger King for lunch.

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Some gimp was on the radio yesterday campaigning for obesity to be classed as a disease to 'stop some of the stigma attached to it.'
I don't even know where to begin with that.  But I do fancy a Burger King for lunch.

Not sure what’s so wrong with it if they think it’s a progressive move to tackle the obesity epidemic we have in this country.

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1 minute ago, throbber said:


Not sure what’s so wrong with it if they think it’s a progressive move to tackle the obesity epidemic we have in this country.



It's anything but progressive IMO.  It's giving obese people less reason to try and tackle their problem.  If it officially a disease then they can give more justification for being so fat.

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It's anything but progressive IMO.  It's giving obese people less reason to try and tackle their problem.  If it officially a disease then they can give more justification for being so fat.

It’s utter nonsense.

I have been obese (probably still marginal) and it’s due to me being a greedy b*****d who drank too much beer.

Yes there are diseases etc which cause it but the vast majority of people are fat through their own fault.

It’s harsh but it’s a complete fallacy to tell people they’re obese due to a factor outside of their control. They may not have directly chosen to be obese but if you choose day after day to eat and drink too much then you kind of did choose it.
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It’s utter nonsense.

I have been obese (probably still marginal) and it’s due to me being a greedy b*****d who drank too much beer.

Yes there are diseases etc which cause it but the vast majority of people are fat through their own fault.

It’s harsh but it’s a complete fallacy to tell people they’re obese due to a factor outside of their control. They may not have directly chosen to be obese but if you choose day after day to eat and drink too much then you kind of did choose it.

I’m not disagreeing with what you are saying I just have always found it interesting how fat people get no sympathy for getting themselves into such life threatening states whereas smokers,drinkers and drug addicts do get sympathy. Obese people clearly suffer from psychological/addiction issues so I don’t see the problem with it as being treated as an illness rather than just a simple case of telling them all not to eat so much shite and get more exercise.
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4 minutes ago, throbber said:


I’m not disagreeing with what you are saying I just have always found it interesting how fat people get no sympathy for getting themselves into such life threatening states whereas smokers,drinkers and drug addicts do get sympathy. Obese people clearly suffer from psychological/addiction issues so I don’t see the problem with it as being treated as an illness rather than just a simple case of telling them all not to eat so much shite and get more exercise.


I have sympathy.  I've battled with my weight since I was 17 and don't get me wrong some people's composition makes them more vulnerable to putting on weight.

There's many reasons why I got fat, mostly due to my mental health and the way I treated my body during that time.  But being fat itself was not an illness, I got fat because I regularly overdid food and booze without exercising.  And I lost weight because I did the opposite over a sustained period.

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1 hour ago, throbber said:

I’m not disagreeing with what you are saying I just have always found it interesting how fat people get no sympathy for getting themselves into such life threatening states whereas smokers,drinkers and drug addicts do get sympathy. Obese people clearly suffer from psychological/addiction issues so I don’t see the problem with it as being treated as an illness rather than just a simple case of telling them all not to eat so much shite and get more exercise.


Smokers get sympathy? From whom?

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