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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My work has a lot of casual supervisors and the bosses decided to make 1/3 of them full time permanent supervisors.

I happened to be around on the day of the interviews and the 3 bosses doing the interviews had made a lot of effort to not come to work in the regular work suit but in an upgraded number.

Quite simply why?????

The guys getting interviewed are the ones who should make the effort to look the part.

It's not as if the folk getting interviewed are gonnae turn down the job because the bosses look a bit less sharp than they could.

What a load of wanky shit for no reason whatsoever.

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3 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

Went to get my morning coffee at work (subsidised Costa), as with all Costa' you pay and then there's a counter where you collect your drink.

Most civilised people stand a couple of yards away from the pick up counter to allow people to access  their drink if they are called first.  Today three guys decided they'd stand and wait for their drinks right at the collection counter and have a hilarious chat, with everyone having to push past them everytime their drink was called.  Even with about 3 people asking them to move so they could get their drink they wouldn't take the hint.

This complete lack of awareness of what is around you or where you are standing has me seething on an almost daily basis.  Here are some other examples I'm sure everyone has experienced:

Folk stopping in doorways to check their phone/handbag etc.  C*nts.

Folk stopping at the top or bottom of stairs to check phone/handbag etc.  C*nts.

Folk standing in the middle of a busy pavement rather than stand off to the side.  C*nts.

Folk standing at the bar in a busy pub and refusing to make way for other folk trying to get served.  C*nts.

Folk walking 3 or 4 abreast (insert gif here) effectively blocking the entire pavement.  C*nts.

Folk standing right at the bus/train door when folk are trying to get off.  C*nts.



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Those of you who have been on a night out in Inverness in the last decade will know the bar The Den, which is joined onto Johnny Foxes.

It's an L-shaped bar and down the longest section, there isn't much room in the walkway between the edge of the bar, and where the booths begin. At Hognamay just there, there was a bunch of what people refer to as Spice Boys in. Young lads about 19 or 20 who didn't really have bar etiquette figured out yet.  All fucking standing a the bar drinking their cocktails when the queue is 2 or 3 bodies deep right the way along.

They swiftly got telt to shift, and when one didn't, he got fucking elbowed out the way.

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3 hours ago, pj_puttz said:

This complete lack of awareness of what is around you or where you are standing has me seething on an almost daily basis.  Here are some other examples I'm sure everyone has experienced:

Folk stopping in doorways to check their phone/handbag etc.  C*nts.

Folk stopping at the top or bottom of stairs to check phone/handbag etc.  C*nts.

Folk standing in the middle of a busy pavement rather than stand off to the side.  C*nts.

Folk standing at the bar in a busy pub and refusing to make way for other folk trying to get served.  C*nts.

Folk walking 3 or 4 abreast (insert gif here) effectively blocking the entire pavement.  C*nts.

Folk standing right at the bus/train door when folk are trying to get off.  C*nts.



Even worse ,  folk who immediately stop and stand still  as soon as they get off an escalator looking like they're wondering where they're going to go next ........but don't leave enough room behind them for other folk coming off the escalator to get past them easily.

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1 hour ago, A96 said:

Even worse ,  folk who immediately stop and stand still  as soon as they get off an escalator looking like they're wondering where they're going to go next ........but don't leave enough room behind them for other folk coming off the escalator to get past them easily.

if they're not psychopathic looking and built like a brick shithouse I tend to shove folk like that out of the way. They normally apologise to you if you do it sneakily enough.

Yes, I'm a c**t.


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As politely and calmly as possible, point this out to her. You’ve shared how she needlessly spends money, this is a good example. She’s horsed the knives (fine, the kitchen was cluttered) but could she not have removed them from the block and put them in a drawer? And now we’ve bought a bin, it might not have been expensive but it wasn’t needed and it’s definitely clutter!
i very calmly, using small words, stated my case regards the bin being unnecessary but as it wasmt bought new (from an old coffee machine) she doesnt see the issue. just use the bloddy bin thqt was there!

i should have been clearer on the knives. the knife block is gone and the knives are in the drawer. was trying to point out how daft it is to bin one item as its cluttered to replace with another.

i dont know why i stress as the coffee machine will likely be in a cupboard by spring and a shiny new knife block put in place!
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Even worse ,  folk who immediately stop and stand still  as soon as they get off an escalator looking like they're wondering where they're going to go next ........but don't leave enough room behind them for other folk coming off the escalator to get past them easily.
worse still is lifts. doesnt matter how socially aware or educated 90% of people turn into fucking morons when it comes to lifts.

first there is getting in /out. most people just go at each other as soon as the doors open doing that awkard left/right dance.

then once in the lift the person closest the keypad will press their desired floor then just stand still infront of it in silence.

after its been established aforementioned person is happy to stay silent someome else will finally, awkwardly, ask for their floor to be pressed. this is proceded by everyone else muttering, barely being heard, where they are going. most of these muttering morons have now passed their floor and will have to wait till the lifts going back that way

whilst this is happening there will be 1 really loud child being repeatedly ssshd by a very embarrassed parent.

people are shit at using lifts
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This complete lack of awareness of what is around you or where you are standing has me seething on an almost daily basis.  Here are some other examples I'm sure everyone has experienced:
Folk stopping in doorways to check their phone/handbag etc.  C*nts.
Folk stopping at the top or bottom of stairs to check phone/handbag etc.  C*nts.
Folk standing in the middle of a busy pavement rather than stand off to the side.  C*nts.
Folk standing at the bar in a busy pub and refusing to make way for other folk trying to get served.  C*nts.
Folk walking 3 or 4 abreast (insert gif here) effectively blocking the entire pavement.  C*nts.
Folk standing right at the bus/train door when folk are trying to get off.  C*nts.
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This complete lack of awareness of what is around you or where you are standing has me seething on an almost daily basis.  Here are some other examples I'm sure everyone has experienced:
Folk stopping in doorways to check their phone/handbag etc.  C*nts.
Folk stopping at the top or bottom of stairs to check phone/handbag etc.  C*nts.
Folk standing in the middle of a busy pavement rather than stand off to the side.  C*nts.
Folk standing at the bar in a busy pub and refusing to make way for other folk trying to get served.  C*nts.
Folk walking 3 or 4 abreast (insert gif here) effectively blocking the entire pavement.  C*nts.
Folk standing right at the bus/train door when folk are trying to get off.  C*nts.
A couple of months ago I had the pleasure of seeing one of these idiots that try to board a train before people get off be twatted by a cyclist getting off with his bike.
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8 hours ago, A96 said:

Even worse ,  folk who immediately stop and stand still  as soon as they get off an escalator looking like they're wondering where they're going to go next ........but don't leave enough room behind them for other folk coming off the escalator to get past them easily.

I’ve never understood why people would do this. They have obviously got on the escalator as they are planning on going somewhere when they get to the top/bottom, so they should already have their route planned before they even step on. 99.99999% of people don’t get on an escalator for the sake of it.

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20 hours ago, pj_puttz said:

This complete lack of awareness of what is around you or where you are standing has me seething on an almost daily basis.  Here are some other examples I'm sure everyone has experienced:

Folk stopping in doorways to check their phone/handbag etc.  C*nts.

Folk stopping at the top or bottom of stairs to check phone/handbag etc.  C*nts.

Folk standing in the middle of a busy pavement rather than stand off to the side.  C*nts.

Folk standing at the bar in a busy pub and refusing to make way for other folk trying to get served.  C*nts.

Folk walking 3 or 4 abreast (insert gif here) effectively blocking the entire pavement.  C*nts.

Folk standing right at the bus/train door when folk are trying to get off.  C*nts.



Please add to the list the c***s at bus stops that rather than stand in the bus stop will  stand against the adjacent building or just in the middle of pavement thereby making the pavement where it is already made thinner by the bus stop even thinner if not impassable. Special bonus points for the c**t that was leaning against the edge of the bus stop with his bag on the ground completely blocking Union St pavement yesterday. One idiot managing to block one of the busiest pedestrian areas of Aberdeen in a solo  effort of cuntish, lack of spacial awareness twat behaviour

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1 minute ago, MixuFixit said:

Naw - the actual bus stop bit is always such a quagmire of chewing gum, fag ends and spit that I never queue up there and will always stand away from it.

Well stand in line with the bus stop in front or behind it, not in the way of pedestrians walking past,

That the way not to be a c**t

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21 hours ago, pj_puttz said:

This complete lack of awareness of what is around you or where you are standing has me seething on an almost daily basis.  Here are some other examples I'm sure everyone has experienced:

Folk stopping in doorways to check their phone/handbag etc.  C*nts.

Folk stopping at the top or bottom of stairs to check phone/handbag etc.  C*nts.

Folk standing in the middle of a busy pavement rather than stand off to the side.  C*nts.

Folk standing at the bar in a busy pub and refusing to make way for other folk trying to get served.  C*nts.

Folk walking 3 or 4 abreast (insert gif here) effectively blocking the entire pavement.  C*nts.

Folk standing right at the bus/train door when folk are trying to get off.  C*nts.



Seems to be a common theme here.

Hint, it rhymes with plannedshag.

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9 hours ago, IainMorton said:

I’ve never understood why people would do this. They have obviously got on the escalator as they are planning on going somewhere when they get to the top/bottom, so they should already have their route planned before they even step on. 99.99999% of people don’t get on an escalator for the sake of it.

Escalators are a focal point for imbeciles to be fair.

Firstly, they're located in places that either attract morons (shopping centres) or befuddle and confound the stupid amongst us (airports, train stations, etc.).

In the case of shopping centres, I always have a pang of dread having to enter these places. Not once have I been in such a place where I have not encountered a collection of morons blocking up escalators by standing and chatting (usually with their bags spread out beside them). It's as though they see the escalator as a nice opportunity for a bit of a rest. They decide to stop going where they are going and pause, oblivious to anyone around them. They don't all stand to the right, and sometimes they even stand two abreast.

If these ugly, stupid, mouth-breathing tumours need a rest so badly, they should go outside, lie down, and welcome death's sweet embrace.

Edited by milton75
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Perfectly fit and able-bodied people parking as close as is humanly possible to the front doors in a supermarket car park to save themselves an extra 50 paces. Lazy fuckers. 
Mrs Romeo does this at places like braehead or Silverburn. Plenty of spaces a 60 second walk away from the front doors but she'd happily drive round and round the same bit to get a space as close as possible.

Someone should kick her in the pie.
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