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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Tbh, I don't think until your post today, that I knew your name was Andrew! :lol::ph34r:

You're not the first P&B poster that I've met more than once to say that! :lol:

Kyle's the worst for it <_<

Anyway, nag time - if our game gets called off tomorrow, I'll have a 4 week gap between my last Saints game and my next one :(

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Quote Simon: Nag - that c**t above me didnae reply to my pished PM I sent him on Tuesday!

Are you referring to me? If so, I never got the pm. What was the subject of said electronic communication?

PS - You coming to the game tomorrow?

:D B)

Oh....im sure I PM'd you! Probs sent it to some other unsuspecting fucker! :lol::lol:

Will you be in the Bowling Club pre match for a wee shandies? Still pints of Strongbow for a quid? :D

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Aye I can be in the Bowling Club for a few pre-matchers.

Dunno if it's still £1 for a Strongbow, but it's cheap tho.

What time do you expect to be there?

:D B)

Laterish :( Bus will be leaving Arbroath at 11:15, so i'd think we'll be there at 2 or so?

Few bevvies on the bus should set me up alright. ;)

Incredibly skint though, only have 22 quid for tomorrow! :lol:

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I can meet you in there then if you wish at about 2.15 ish or 2.30 ish.

£22 should be enough mate. B) Dunno how much to get in, but you'll have enough for booze.

Get in. B)

9 quid for the bus there, 5 quid to get in. ;)

8 quid! :lol:

Few drinks on the bus, and 8 quid = 4 singles or so. Not lookin so good. :(

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'Ere, Dave. It's because since the new upgrade of P&B, the 'reply' function isn't working properly. Whenever I click it, an error report come up, and no matter which option I click, it closes down the window.

You don't by any chance know how to fix this do you?

Or anyone who can solve this problem?


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People who turn up in hospital for the most ridiculous of reasons.

My personal favourite from today: 'I got out of my car and a bit of masonry fell on it and I would have been injured if I was still in the car'

But you weren't in the car, ergo you are not injured :blink:

'Och, aye, but I'm in shock'

My prescription: go home and have a very large glass of wine / whisky/ brandy.

(I'm sooooo going to get struck off :ph34r: )

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Got ur pm Simon. My pm reply isn;t working tho so...

Erm, don't think there's a pitch inspection planned. :blink: We have good drainage so rain isn't usually a problem*

It would be wind and safety that woule be the problem.

I'll give you a text tomorrow mate.


Hope its on, massive game for both teams. Also, hate Saturdays in the house doin f**k all, and have a few beers for the bus that im lookin forward to. ;)

I'll expect a text then. ;)

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People who turn up in hospital for the most ridiculous of reasons.

My personal favourite from today: 'I got out of my car and a bit of masonry fell on it and I would have been injured if I was still in the car'

But you weren't in the car, ergo you are not injured :blink:

'Och, aye, but I'm in shock'

My prescription: go home and have a very large glass of wine / whisky/ brandy.

(I'm sooooo going to get struck off :ph34r: )

Youve been watching too much House :lol:

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Good good. C u tomorrow. ;)

Aye, I hope its on aswel. It is indeed a massive game for both teams. We've got to keep tabs on EF. To coin the much over-used cliche: it's a six pointer for both teams.

I'll let you know if there's any developments about it being call-off etc.

:D B)

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People who turn up in hospital for the most ridiculous of reasons.

My personal favourite from today: 'I got out of my car and a bit of masonry fell on it and I would have been injured if I was still in the car'

But you weren't in the car, ergo you are not injured :blink:

'Och, aye, but I'm in shock'

My prescription: go home and have a very large glass of wine / whisky/ brandy.

(I'm sooooo going to get struck off :ph34r: )

I wish you were my quack with prescriptions like that! :lol:

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I wish you were my quack with prescriptions like that! :lol:

My bro in law was working at A & E at rhe Royal Infirmary. This guy comes wandering in late at night complaining that his neighbours downstairs were firing laser beams at his balls...instead of turning him away or just sectioning him on the spot B.I.L. went and got one of those reflective silver blankets like they give to Jimmy Saville after he runs a marathon, and tells the poor random to fashion a pair of underpants out of the silver foil like stuff to deflect the laser beam...

Punter happy with doctors bedside manner. Doctor happy to get rid of another random halfwit.

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My bro in law was working at A & E at rhe Royal Infirmary. This guy comes wandering in late at night complaining that his neighbours downstairs were firing laser beams at his balls...instead of turning him away or just sectioning him on the spot B.I.L. went and got one of those reflective silver blankets like they give to Jimmy Saville after he runs a marathon, and tells the poor random to fashion a pair of underpants out of the silver foil like stuff to deflect the laser beam...

Punter happy with doctors bedside manner. Doctor happy to get rid of another random halfwit.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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