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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
Without wanting to be unkind - and Im not having a go - I do actually agree with Ruggy.

I don't think you are.

I too broadly agree with Ruggy, who has posted his view in a well thought out, non aggressive manner. :)

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i agree with this completely, but the decision to post/keep quiet isn't mine to judge. I can understand why it makes people uncomfortable to be honest. Some of us have serious issues in our lives that we would be reticent to reveal on an internet forum.

Probably should just let it lie, but it's nothing to do with the mental health issue IMO. As SaintSam wrote, it's pure attention seeking. Rowan's not the only one who does it but she's by far and away the worst.

Not that it's really that big a problem mind.

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Guest The Phoenix
Probably should just let it lie, but it's nothing to do with the mental health issue IMO. As SaintSam wrote, it's pure attention seeking. Rowan's not the only one who does it but she's by far and away the worst.

Not that it's really that big a problem mind.

You just couldn't, could you? :lol:

You were doing fine until you didn't put a full stop after "lie"

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I don't think you are.

I too broadly agree with Ruggy, who has posted his view in a well thought out, non aggressive manner. :)

That is true.

Im not saying if it is right or wrong to do what Rowan did. All i was pointing out that there should really be 2 different "types" of reply to what she said, especially taking into consideration she may be having some major problems.

1) Be sympathetic

2) Ignore it.

To start an arguement and call names is not going to help Rowan, and takes away from the fact she may be needing help. I dont know whether she is trying to attention seek, or is just nervous/wary about posting everything but felt she had to do something. Thats what we will never know sadly.

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Right firstly sorry if I only posted part of story. But at the time I was on hold to a health insurance compnany. Couldn't get ahold of friends or family and was in total distress.

I'm now calmer and I do apologise to Saintsam that conditions know as anxiety and depression are offensive to her and believe me if I could get just get on I would have nearly 10 years ago.

It wasn't attention seeking it was a moment of total dispare.

Also Sam, I shall bow to you're greater knowledge of just getting on with things than a consultant psychiatrist. It's not as simple as problems you just get on with.

If theres a demand for a blow by blow account of my psychiatric crisis this week I'll happily give it.

Also, thank you to those of you who offered support and back up.

Edited by Rowan
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1) People trying to get her to calm down (obviously kind worried people)

Worried, yeah, a bit, kind, no, that's not why I posted.

I advised Rowan to call her husband coz - and as someone with 38748723874 posts over dozens of forums I've seen this many times - a public forum is really the last place you should go with immediate worries. Call someone you know and trust instead, because it's very rare for someone on a public forum to be able to help with immediate, severe worries or issues, IMO. In fact I'd go so far as to say that (this thread = case in point, and no, that's not blaming or judging anyone) it can just add complications.

Edited by Swampy
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How about just supermarkets in general?

Tesco serves one purpose and that's somewhere bright and shiny to go when you're half cut.

If you go in during the day it's a bit shite.

Who's with me?

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How about just supermarkets in general?

Tesco serves one purpose and that's somewhere bright and shiny to go when you're half cut.

If you go in during the day it's a bit shite.

Who's with me?

There's a dispatches show next week on tesco. Seemingly we're going to become one big tesco!

Never mind global warming-tesco's a bigger threat! :lol:

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Right firstly sorry if I only posted part of story. But at the time I was on hold to a health insurance compnany.

At which point you felt it incumbent upon yourself to post on a forum such as this?

I'm still with Sam et al on this one.

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There's a dispatches show next week on tesco. Seemingly we're going to become one big tesco!

Never mind global warming-tesco's a bigger threat! :lol:

There is a documentary waiting to be made about Tesco's real estate practices.

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