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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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If people bring something onto a public forum, people will have different opinions. If people don't want it discussed, don't bring it up in public.

I meant on both sides. <_< We had this argument hundreds of times, people have never agreed before, they're not going to agree now. Why continue? Just drop it.

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I meant on both sides. <_< We had this argument hundreds of times, people have never agreed before, they're not going to agree now. Why continue? Just drop it.

The democrats and the republicans, the conservatives and labour, they all disagree. Do they just drop things?

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i agree with this completely, but the decision to post/keep quiet isn't mine to judge. I can understand why it makes people uncomfortable to be honest. Some of us have serious issues in our lives that we would be reticent to reveal on an internet forum.

I agree with you. It makes for extremely uncomfortable reading.

Perhaps the way I put my point across was aggressive but I think that's my posting style. I do that in a lot of my posts, and people take it the wrong way time and time again - I can't help that and I'm certainly not inclined to make an effort to change the way I post just so as not to offend certain people. I know the way I behave around people in my day to day life is nothing like that, and indeed if I were to meet people off of this forum, they would see that.

In my opinion, I think I said what a lot of people were thinking but were too afraid to say. I didn't gang up on her, I expressed my opinion and if anyone else felt inclined to agree with me then that was their own decision, and nothing to do with me. She's posting this stuff on an internet forum accessed by thousands of people she does not know. This is not a help group for mental health problems - she should keep this stuff with her family and doctors.

The problem here wasn't so much the fact that she felt the need to share her problems with us, it was the vague way in which she tried to achieve the attention and worry from people on here, without ever actually telling us what was wrong. That's just weird, and an all too common practise from Rowan.

PS - You should never go into supermarkets whilst drunk. CCTV have a great laugh at your expense the next day. I should know, I have a bad habit of doing it myself.

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Because you said so? Nah. I find it all funny to be honest.

Well I must have had a sense of humour bypass, because I find it incredibly tedious.

The democrats and the republicans, the conservatives and labour, they all disagree. Do they just drop things?

Hardly the same thing, Roberto.

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Can't you just all fucking leave it?


This is the best debate/arguement I have seen on here in ages, and the main reason why I have spent longer than 10 minutes on Pie&Bovril.

Looked to me as if Rowan was attention seeking. Yeah, I can understand she is in a bit of a mess just now - but posting her personal problems on a public forum is surely the last thing she should be doing. There are various personalities on here and she must have had a slight idea things could turn nasty.

Questions were obviously going to get asked.

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Exactly. Who the feck wants to read about bumping into trolleys at the supermarket?

Too right.

We have too many nice folk on here.

Well that's bollocks anyway, we had this argument, oh, about a week ago.

Just shows you how much I have been on here. :lol:

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