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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Stationery deliveries - with 15 boxes of photocopy paper to wheel up to the office. <_< Ahm peched! :(

Didn't you look at the paperwork? That's your latest batch of restraining orders.

Keep it under the skirt, beardie!

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They have healthy eating initiatives, give out free fruit and encourage the kids to learn about what is healthy.

As a result, junior scuttles around the house glugging milk by the gallon and scoffing grapes and apples telling me how healthy it is, all the while turning his nose up at me with my beer and my packet of Walkers Steak 'n' Onion flavour.

If I hear the word healthy once more I shall scream.

Cal: "Can I have a drink, mum?

Me: "Do you want a cup of tea?

Cal: "Tea's healthy in't it mum.

Aaaaaargh I just want a blooming cup of tea in peace. :angry:

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My programme over the last few days-

Monday- 7am- leave for work

8am- arrive at work

3pm- Get lunch break :blink:

7pm- leave work

8pm- arrive home and start moving furniture

10pm- stop moving furniture

10:15pm- Pregnant wife falls ill, rush to hospital

2am- Get home relieved it's nothing


7am- leave for work

8am- arrive at work

3pm- Get lunch break :blink:

7pm- leave work

8pm- arrive home and start moving furniture

10pm- stop moving furniture


7am- leave for work

8am- arrive at work

3pm- Get lunch break :blink:

5pm- Asked to stay on by boss until 7pm again

5:05pm- Tell boss where to go

7pm- arrive at Fir Park

11pm- Get home from Fir Park


7am- leave for work

8am- arrive at work

1pm- Lunch break at normal time :D

I'm fucking knackered :(

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My fourth on-call in less than a week. This rota is fcking atrocious.

Although it does mean I have an cast-iron excuse for not going out with the guys from work tonight... every cloud and that.

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My fourth on-call in less than a week. This rota is fcking atrocious.

Although it does mean I have an cast-iron excuse for not going out with the guys from work tonight... every cloud and that.

Aye, it's a right hardship having your own wee office in which to skive on t'internet undetected. :P

Some of us have to watch our backs whilst slacking. :ph34r:

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In midweek Cup game gambling, not backing your instincts and knowledge of one of the teams in a certain fixture... :rolleyes:<_<

My text to Coddy on Tuesday afternoon:

'Fife at 7/1 looks awfy temptin man. Mite pop into the bookies on the way home....'*

*Didn't go into the bookies and have the £2/£3 I was thinking of having on it. :angry:

Grrrr!!! :angry:

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