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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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It's alright, found it in the gunnels of one of the Lazyboys (cue more fnarr fnarr comments, I'm talking about the furniture here, not my weekend fun).

And Igor isn't in Fife anymore so the need to steal stuff diminishes every day.

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Barbeque Kings is open til 5am. That makes you a loser, and me a winner. I am that ace.

ps. you prey on girls with low self esteem

(as do I)

Oh, I would kill lyn marie off of here for a takeaway to be open! I want barbeque kings! Need a takeaway. :(

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Oh, I would kill lyn marie off of here for a takeaway to be open! I want barbeque kings! Need a takeaway. :(

Lyn-Marie is circa a foot and a half away from me. She basically want to kill you, and when i say basically, I mean literally.

As do I. (We'll kill you twice (thrice, as Shakey wants a piece))

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Lyn-Marie is circa a foot and a half away from me. She basically want to kill you, and when i say basically, I mean literally.

As do I. (We'll kill you twice (thrice, as Shakey wants a piece))

Well let LM live, as apparently she's hot. However, shakey must die. And then you must go to BBQ Kings...does it deliver to Stirling?

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Well Monster, you can start laughing now. 27c, no cloud cover, nice sea breeze in Raglan, factor 30 on. Went swimming, thought this is quite nice...

15 minute burn time. Legs are completely scarlet, absolute agony. I wish it was snowing, cold and dreich.

Gf has just farted, and it's stinking. She's away to bed laughing her head off, saying 'at least it's not a dutch oven...'. To think the day started with such promise.

Pissed off, and very sore :angry:

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*unpacks car. Cancels trip to Stirling*

Bleh. Im not up to killing anyway, I am an ill ill ill individual. Plus I left part of my hearing aid on a dance floor in Bannockburn so Im going to have to schedule a trip to the hospital at some point. Bleh. :(

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Bleh. Go have a fit, or whatever it is autistics do. <_<

Edited to add - The above comment was meant to be taken in jest, although it sounds rather harsh, sorry!

No offence taken chief, my comment was only in jest as well ;)

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Bleh. Im not up to killing anyway, I am an ill ill ill individual. Plus I left part of my hearing aid on a dance floor in Bannockburn so Im going to have to schedule a trip to the hospital at some point. Bleh. :(

Everyone seems to be fucked today apart from me. I feel fine. :D

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Whoop de fucking do. Go do some housework, or whatever it is women do. <_<

(See edit added to my post about philpy, I like you really!)

Housework done - Well, I say 'done', we've cleared the beer cans away and we're now ready for Adam's parents to come and visit. Why on Earth he thought it'd be a good idea to invite them round on Sunday and then go out on the piss on the Saturday, I don't know.

Aye, but you smell like scampi.

Maybe, but Adam's wearing nail varnish and has abusive slogans on his back because he fell asleep.

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