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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I hate Sunday nights. The thought of going back to work tomorrow does not appeal. And to make matters worse, I'm having to mark essays. :(

I hate Sunday nights because i'm knackered due to a busy weekend, but can never get to sleep early because i've not slept till at least 3am for a few nights.....it sucks :(

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I hate Sunday nights because i'm knackered due to a busy weekend, but can never get to sleep early because i've not slept till at least 3am for a few nights.....it sucks :(

Aye, I hate that too. I start my new job tomorrow as well, but I fell asleep watching the Carling Cup final today so probably won't sleep at all tonight.

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Aye, I hate that too. I start my new job tomorrow as well, but I fell asleep watching the Carling Cup final today so probably won't sleep at all tonight.

I've had about 5 hours sleep last night, had a hangover, been in the gym, walked home from the gym and then went out for a run and I still can't sleep, despite being knackered!! It's baws!

Good luck tomorrow!

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I've had about 5 hours sleep last night, had a hangover, been in the gym, walked home from the gym and then went out for a run and I still can't sleep, despite being knackered!! It's baws!

Good luck tomorrow!

I've done the square root of f**k all today really. Dragged myself out of bed to get picked up at 10.45am for a christening (hungover), then made dinner. I wish I had went for a run :(


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About as useful as a chocolate fireguard.

I dare you.


I guess I could quote Miss Anna Ritchie - according to an enthralling piece it seems they're having a square-go over the exact topic.

Of course, if I use the chocolate fireguard then I'll have to give my own take on what happened... :ph34r:

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Aaaarrrrghhhhh @ Sky+

Have it set to record 'Lost' every week, and normally wait until it's finished before starting to watch it so i can FF through all the adverts.

Went to play it back, and it froze. Reset the box, and now it won't playback tonight's episode. :angry::angry::angry::angry::angry:

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I hate Sunday nights because i'm knackered due to a busy weekend, but can never get to sleep early because i've not slept till at least 3am for a few nights.....it sucks :(
Aye, I hate that too. I start my new job tomorrow as well, but I fell asleep watching the Carling Cup final today so probably won't sleep at all tonight.

I'm normally like that too, but came up with an unusual way of getting round it- went to bed at 11pm on Saturday night, got up at 2am, went down the pub with some mates to watch the Brum-Arsenal game then the three 6 nations matches, got home fairly pished at 11am Sunday morning(!), slept until 3pm, felt woozy all day but was able to get to sleep dead easy last night.

Think the other ways I did it back home were to: 1) stay up all Saturday night and go to bed at 6pm on Sunday, although this is difficult if drinking, or 2) get blootered on Sunday, although this makes Monday at work pretty tough and can result in the night demons if you've been out on Friday and Saturday as well.

Edited by Synex
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do you go to all the rangers games?

bugger payin 400 quid a season or whatever it is, i was bored out my tree.

the band and group of neds singing around them was one of the most annoying things i've ever heard!

Nah mate, I get to as many as I can but being a student its kinda hard to feed the habit lol.

I agree entirely btw, the atmosphere is dire these days, it was better under Advocaat and McLeish during the times when we were getting pumped regularly by all and sundry and scraping second (or third :ph34r:) place.

I've evne been to a few Sons games this season, its cheaper! :lol:

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Nah mate, I get to as many as I can but being a student its kinda hard to feed the habit lol.

I agree entirely btw, the atmosphere is dire these days, it was better under Advocaat and McLeish during the times when we were getting pumped regularly by all and sundry and scraping second (or third :ph34r:) place.

I've evne been to a few Sons games this season, its cheaper! :lol:

i find dumbarton games much more fun (obviously due to the fact that i actually support them)

i think anyone would have a better time at shs. the quality of football is pretty dire but the banter is far better and the players can actually hear you giving them abuse.

you need to get yourself to an away game. best days out are generally arbroath, elgin, montrose and forfar. all of them are decent days out but those are the best due to them being further away and everyone being more drunk.

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i find dumbarton games much more fun (obviously due to the fact that i actually support them)

i think anyone would have a better time at shs. the quality of football is pretty dire but the banter is far better and the players can actually hear you giving them abuse.

you need to get yourself to an away game. best days out are generally arbroath, elgin, montrose and forfar. all of them are decent days out but those are the best due to them being further away and everyone being more drunk.

Funny you should say that, I'm coming to the Shire away game in a few weeks if I'm off work! :lol:

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