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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm taking early retirement. After the experience I had, it will take a lot of persuasion to get me pregnant again.

He's a cracker though - is it wrong to laugh at a four week olds farts?? He's certainly his father's boy!

i totally forgot you were expecting- congrats to you and Mr SJ, glad to hear everything went well (apart from the fartiness).

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Edinburgh Council, who haven't tried to take any council tax for months and months (going back to last year) despite us setting up a direct debit have just tried to take £900 from my fiancees account :huh: She didn't have the cash to pay it so they are going to try again 'in the next few weeks' :huh: Ball park estimate guys?

Quite pleased they are actually taking it though. Between my pay and her final cheque from her job we should cover it.

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Not every woman gets morning sickness. B) :D I was only sick once,and that was because my mam was cooking lorn sausage,and the smell of it cooking made me throw up. :( Edit: I still can't stand the smell of it being cooked. Also there is the matter of the streatch marks,swollen ankles,and last but no means least the leaking milk.! :ph34r:

I didn't get any stretch marks till my third full pregnancy. I'm sure there's a lesson in there somewhere :(. Only leaking milk incident was a couple of droplets once at about 20 weeks pregnant with my first. Didn't even leak after they were born or whilst feeding. :) No swollen ankles for me either until pregnant with my youngest and even then it was only marginal. I did, however, feel nauseous till about 14 weeks each time and with my first had to take a new pathway through Manchester city centre to work to avoid any McDonalds as the smell knocked me sick! :lol:

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I didn't get any stretch marks till my third full pregnancy. I'm sure there's a lesson in there somewhere :(. Only leaking milk incident was a couple of droplets once at about 20 weeks pregnant with my first. Didn't even leak after they were born or whilst feeding. :) No swollen ankles for me either until pregnant with my youngest and even then it was only marginal. I did, however, feel nauseous till about 14 weeks each time and with my first had to take a new pathway through Manchester city centre to work to avoid any McDonalds as the smell knocked me sick! :lol:

My tummy is a haven for strech marks just now and I still get nausea!

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My tummy is a haven for strech marks just now and I still get nausea!

I can't wear many of my tops now which I still wore with confidence right up to being pregnant with Scott. There's no way I can allow anyone to be subject to even the merest glimpse of the atlas which is my stomach! :bairn

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Some bloody idiot ran into the back of my daughters car whilst she was taking a driving lesson tonight

I'm not surprised that happened. The number of clowns who drive right up behind learners is really a fucking joke. Always guys driving Beemers too.

If my driving instructor was a w****r, I'd happily jump on the brakes and stick a big dent into some w****r's bonnet.

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Guest The Phoenix
Some bloody idiot ran into the back of my daughters car whilst she was taking a driving lesson tonight

Was it Dwain Chambers or was she just going very slowly? :unsure:

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Aye, we are the scum of the earth etc...

Speak for yourself! :whistle

Her husbands a k*ll*e, she should be grateful he can switch the thing on. If he still lived there, they'd be asking him if the world really is round. He'd be a guru.

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Speak for yourself! :whistle

Her husbands a k*ll*e, she should be grateful he can switch the thing on. If he still lived there, they'd be asking him if the world really is round. He'd be a guru.


I'm speaking for all men.

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