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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Who are you annoyed at for this? Personally I would far FAR rather have taken the time off work when I had bronchitis, could barely breathe and making the ten minute brisk walk (or rather 20 minute slow struggle on my worst days). However, as I only had 10 sick days on a rolling year basis and couldn't afford any drop in pay whatsoever, one bout of bronchitis at the start of winter buggered up my entire year along with everyone else's. The rolling system meant that in any twelve month period I could only have ten days off so there was no point really at which my sick days could catch up and I could take even one week later in the year if I had a fortnight off to recover when I was really ill. When I then suffered from at least three bouts of bronchitis each year as well as various chest infections and throat infections, what was I meant to do? Other people coming into work (particularly in our open plan offices) or going in on the crowded trains with colds and other illnesses were undoubtedly where mine stemmed from. Yet how could I complain about that when I then had no choice but to drag myself in, death bed or no, the following week?

So far as I see it the system with regard to sick pay helps no-one. I don't know how it could be better without encouraging more people to take the mick but there must be a way, surely?

I'm fed up with colleagues spreading infections round like wildfire for no apparent reason.

My employer have a similar policy where any more then 10 days off in a rolling 12 month period can trigger a visit from occupational health. However, I know of lots of people who've had a lot more then 10 days off in a year, but as these absences have been supported by a GP line, no action can be taken.

As far as I can tell, the 10 day rule is only there to stop chancers taking 15 Monday mornings as sick leave in a calendar year, or to weed out people who mysteriously recover after the 4th day of absence whenever they're "sick".

I'm sure a wee visit to the GP would have furnished you with a line for a week and some antibiotics. No half decent employer would take action in those circumstances.

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Absolutely blootered at an awards doo on Saturday night and had my photo taken with Gemma Atkinson.

Why is this a nag, you say?

Because I was so drunk, I slept in on Sunday, missed my flight to London, and had to drive there. And back tonight.


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I'm sure a wee visit to the GP would have furnished you with a line for a week and some antibiotics. No half decent employer would take action in those circumstances.

I assume a line is a sick note? That wouldn't have been a problem at all. My GP would happily have given me a sick note and probably been more keen on me staying off work, resting and getting better. However, my employers' policy was that we got ten days' PAID sick leave in a rolling twelve month period. I wasn't worried about work taking action as such as they wouldn't have had a leg to stand on - they couldn't sack an asthmatic for getting chest infections and bronchitis through the winter and I would have had 100% support from my GP if they'd tried! I blamed their sick leave policy anyway - had it been better then maybe the others with colds wouldn't have brought their germs into work and passed them on to me. My body never passed up an opportunity to get ill like that back then :(.

I couldn't afford to lose the pay. That forced me out of my sick bed and into work.

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Cyclists on the road. I don't drive and use public transport (the TARDIS is getting its MOT) quite often, but even I get pissed off at them, veering slightly away from their side of the road, forcing traffic behind them to have to go round them. Also they get to flounce the laws of the road.


There that's better... :D

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I assume a line is a sick note? That wouldn't have been a problem at all. My GP would happily have given me a sick note and probably been more keen on me staying off work, resting and getting better. However, my employers' policy was that we got ten days' PAID sick leave in a rolling twelve month period. I wasn't worried about work taking action as such as they wouldn't have had a leg to stand on - they couldn't sack an asthmatic for getting chest infections and bronchitis through the winter and I would have had 100% support from my GP if they'd tried! I blamed their sick leave policy anyway - had it been better then maybe the others with colds wouldn't have brought their germs into work and passed them on to me. My body never passed up an opportunity to get ill like that back then :(.

I couldn't afford to lose the pay. That forced me out of my sick bed and into work.

That's a bit pish. I can't believe an employer gets away with such a harsh policy today.

Still, the point I made still stands for my place of work. F'cking martyrs, the lot of them. <_<

Work colleagues who seem think that you're interested in every single detail of their children's day to day activities.



They might get off on living their lives vicariously through their weans, but I don't. Now shut the f'ck up.

Edited by wearealldoomed
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Only getting PC access for half an hour and everyone hot-desking in the office means I have to grab whatever terminal is available. This one has been specially adapted for a member of staff with a disability and the mouse is a bugger to control! :angry:<_<

Edit: it's causing me to cock-up my spelling as well! :rolleyes:

Edit again: Replacement bus service from Waverley to Berwick this Saturday! :angry:

Edited by Kilt
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Virgin mobile, you shower of arseholes. I went a fiver over my credit limit on my bill, so since monday afternoon i have not been able to make calls or send texts. I thought i would pay a tenner online to get the bar lifted, but there is a technical glitch with the website, so i thought i would do i via phone. Guess what? technical problems! :angry: if and when i get through to them, a complaint will be lodged. Fuckin inconvenience :angry:

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I'd also like to add parents who cant control their kids to my growing list of nags tonight. A family of dobbers (2 parents and four kids) came wandering into my work yesterday, and while the parents were at the counter getting prices, they left their kids to run around, chucking leaflets about and picking up tools which could hurt them. I was in the back warehouse making up orders and took my forklift back around the front when i was finished, and one of the kids ran out of the shop and in front of me, i shat myself and had to slam the brakes on. You would have thought they would have noticed forklifts driving about. No wonder people get hurt or killed, what would have happened if i hadnt seen the kid? irresponsible twats <_<

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I was flicking through the list of programmes on Sky tonight and I saw a programme with the name, 'Scum'.

Imagine my anger and disappointment when I saw that it actually wasn't a documentary on the inhabitants of and football supporters of Clydebank. :(

Rather it was about the OF :(

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Guest Ally's honest man
I'd also like to add parents who cant control their kids to my growing list of nags tonight. A family of dobbers (2 parents and four kids) came wandering into my work yesterday, and while the parents were at the counter getting prices, they left their kids to run around, chucking leaflets about and picking up tools which could hurt them. I was in the back warehouse making up orders and took my forklift back around the front when i was finished, and one of the kids ran out of the shop and in front of me, i shat myself and had to slam the brakes on. You would have thought they would have noticed forklifts driving about. No wonder people get hurt or killed, what would have happened if i hadnt seen the kid? irresponsible twats <_<

As a fully trained fork lift driver I would have thought you would be vigilant and constantly looking for hazards.

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