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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Because men realise that time spent wrapping something for it to be ripped right off is time that'd be better spent in a pub. Which is why men are the more logical and therefore superior gender.

spot on. i just wrap mine in polythene bags :lol:

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I just got taken to absolute pieces in my first year viva. My first year report isn't good enough, my writing style is poor, I don't use enough sources or maths, and I should go back and do it again. :(

Sorry to hear that mate. Is this the first of you getting feedback? To be honest, I didn't get any when I did mine, although the fact that I'm still at my post probably suffices.

Surely mate, the mathematics you need are readily available - isn't it mostly DSP algorithms you are looking at? Same goes for sources.

chin up.

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Guest The Phoenix
Sorry to hear that mate. Is this the first of you getting feedback? To be honest, I didn't get any when I did mine, although the fact that I'm still at my post probably suffices.

Surely mate, the mathematics you need are readily available - isn't it mostly DSP algorithms you are looking at? Same goes for sources.

chin up.

Excellent post aside from "chin" should be plural. :ph34r:;)

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Sorry to hear that mate. Is this the first of you getting feedback?

Essentially, my writing style is pompom, and I didn't have nearly enough detail to satisfy them that 1 knew enough. Therefore they grilled me for ages before being satisfied that was up to the job. They still have doubts about me I think, so they want an improved report.Completely rewritten. By Christmas.

Its partly my supervisors fault tho, he never said to me that my work wasn't up to standard.

Gutted. :(

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My Ds charger isn't working. Anyone know were I can get a new one?(Maybe not a nintendo branded one)

Ebay - I often get things like that there. Are you sure it's the charger, though, and not the connection?

Sorry, replied before you edited.

Edited by Reina
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Ebay - I often get things like that there. Are you sure it's the charger, though, and not the connection?

Sorry, replied before you edited.

Yeah I have tried twice now to charge the DS,when I move the cable it works,but then I put it down the light goes off. I miss not being able to play harvest moon and rune factory2. :(

They sell them in game so i'll have a wander down there on Friday and get one. Thanks for the reply. :D

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Never trust a woman I say.

A short story for you all.

A mate of mine was indulging in a bit of nonsense at the weekend with an attractive young lady.

As they lay in bed she says she has to make a phone call, turns out it was to the boyfriend and she's giving it "love you babe" on the phone etc.

30 seconds later................

Ach, you lot are just as bad

After an enjoyable evening with a young gentleman a couple of years ago, we had headed to the local greasy spoon only to bump into a burd he obviously knew well. He introduced me as a friend of one of his colleagues (which was, to be fair, true), and then introduced her as his fiancee. :lol:

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The DVLA are arsing me about <_<

I passed my test in September, and my examiner took my provisional licence from me, saying she'd fill out the application for the full licence and send it away, and I'd get my licence in, at most, 6 weeks.

Didn't hear anything back for 2 months, so I phoned the DVLA and was told that yes, they were told I'd passed my test, but hadn't received an application for a full licence. So I went down to the Post Office and filled out an application form, and sent it off.

Now they've written back and told me that I need to return my provisional before I can get a full licence. I don't have it! My driving examiner took it!

Fecking bitch <_<

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