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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I see Kylesons is lurking.

Last nighht he sent me a text at 3.30am saying 'Thats bad!!! I want to f**k you!' and I'm a bit worried :huh:

I got a phone call at 4.10 am. The wife was growling at me so I switched the phone off.

When I got up in the morning there was a voicemail:

"I fuckin love you Monster, and I fuckin love ayrgirl, and I fuckin love David Gormley. He used to be shite, but now he's alright. Phone me back!!!"


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Playing 6 - a - side football tonight down at Garthdee. The game beside my game ends up turning into a brawl with one team of absolute arseholes throwing punches at the team of good guys.

One of the arseholes then threatened the guy who runs the whole thing and then said he was gonna come back next week and cause "chaos"

What a total fanny of a human being >:(

Oh and my team lost 9-3 :lol:

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Why is 'below par' a way of saying that you aren't feeling well, when being below par at golf is good?

Also, why do people say that something is 'Mince' or 'Ham' when referring to something shite?

Mince and Ham are both excellent food so why use them to describe something bad?!

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c***s who can't drive properly. There are mirrors on cars for a fucking reason. :angry:

I really don't appreciate being cut up and almost forced off the road just because folk are too lazy to check their mirrors. What gets me the most is the facial expressions suggesting they've done f**k all wrong.

I really hope the twat enjoyed having to sit at 20 mph behind me for a mile and a bit. :ph34r:

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Why is it that when you meet someone that reminds you of yourself or you meet someone with some really similar traits that you have you end up getting really annoyed with them and not liking them at all!

Surely you would quite like someone who was similar to you?

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1. Those woman in BMW X5s or big 4x4 Lexus' (big expensive 4x4s in general) that drive 2cm behind you. Even when you have a car that does twice the top speed of them.

2. Those stupid teenage girls that drown themselves in fake tan.

3. Folk that think the EPL is better than it is.

4. When you go under a tree for shelter from the rain and a bit c**t of a drip lands right on your head.

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People standing two abreast on escalators who won't move to let you past them, especially the ones at Central Station with the big fucking sign saying 'Please stand to the right'.

I hope you're not one of those dafties that run up escalators, if you want to run, use the fuckin stairs!!

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That reminds me.

Does anyone else pretend that they are ice skating on those moving floors in airports?

I hate people who just stand on them and don't walk on them. Aren't you meant to walk down them?

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