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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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They are all too physically fit. I wouldn't want my girlfriend to be able to batter me (even though I have just explained how she once did) :lol:

Can just see you cowering in the corner as she comes home late, alcohol on her breath and mumbling something about a great beating that's soon to take place.

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They are all too physically fit. I wouldn't want my girlfriend to be able to batter me (even though I have just explained how she once did) :lol:

yeah, but why would you want her to be able to batter you in the first place :lol:

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Fucking hell if she can take down you with such ease I'd hate to see here battling somebody she didn't like!

I was running down the hall and she took a sort of volley type swing at my legs, caught them which caused me to then clip my own leg with the other and my momentum took me down. I bet no one wants to come round to my flat for a drink after reading these tales of domestic violence :lol:

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I was running down the hall and she took a sort of volley type swing at my legs, caught them which caused me to then clip my own leg with the other and my momentum took me down. I bet no one wants to come round to my flat for a drink after reading these tales of domestic violence :lol:

I'd come round, as long as I didn't receive a thrashing

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I was running down the hall and she took a sort of volley type swing at my legs, caught them which caused me to then clip my own leg with the other and my momentum took me down. I bet no one wants to come round to my flat for a drink after reading these tales of domestic violence :lol:

people would, but only to see her batter you :lol:

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I can't find anywhere to break this note I got in change at Scotmid


You'd be better using it as toilet paper ;)

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Why is it when you both work full time you get f**k all help. But IF while I was still not working I chose to put my child in full time child care we'd get funding :huh:<_<

Just as well he has Grandparents who help out with some of the childcare.

Edited by C.J
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I can't get "Omen" by The Prodigy out of my head. Now, it's a fantastic tune, but I'm going to go into tomorrows exam and do something silly like write "the writings on the wall" on the paper or something :(

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I can't get "Omen" by The Prodigy out of my head. Now, it's a fantastic tune, but I'm going to go into tomorrows exam and do something silly like write "the writings on the wall" on the paper or something :(

Ironically enough, aren't the next lyrics, "it won't go away"?

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My Gran died yesterday morning, been helping my mum and auntie with various funeral stuff, and have my first exam tomorrow so I haven't had the best preparation going into it.

Sorry to hear that. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do ok. :)

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