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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Arse, bollocks, f**k, shit, piss, w**k, bum, tits and poo.

Finally got into bed (for the second time) thinking I'd try and get some sleep at last when I had a niggling thought in the back of my mind - that I hadn't made the baby's bottles up, and I'd not seen Adam do it either. Got up to check and we neither of us had. What a pair of fannies. So, now I'm up waiting for the kettle to cool down enough to make them up. They could have been done in the morning, admittedly, but it's just easier if they're ready to go.

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I think you need to learn how to re-size images :P

You need a nice, small signature like mine B)

I would like to point out that the wee man in your signature looks like the cartoon version of Aidan Moffat. The End.

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I would like to point out that the wee man in your signature looks like the cartoon version of Aidan Moffat. The End.

Aidan Moffat obviously bases his image around that of Captain Haddock ;)

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The dury is still out on that one. As soon as Moffat starts smoking a pipe that can be confirmed. :D

Or when he starts using bashi-bazouk or sea-gherkin as insults ;)

Edited by Enigma
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You need a nice, small signature like mine B)

I'm just getting a red cross in a whte box - that's small enough! :D

Arse, bollocks, f**k, shit, piss, w**k, bum, tits and poo.

:o Impressive, L-M! :lol:;)

I have nothing to complain about for a change.....so far. However, give it time! :(

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Getting a letter from the bank to say I'm overdrawn because O2 decided to lift money out of my account the day before I got paid, made more annoying by the fact that I phoned them last month asking them to change it :angry:

Is there something wrong with these people? I've a good mind to forward it on to them and tell them to pay it. Incompetent p***ks!

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Getting a letter from the bank to say I'm overdrawn because O2 decided to lift money out of my account the day before I got paid, made more annoying by the fact that I phoned them last month asking them to change it :angry:

Is there something wrong with these people? I've a good mind to forward it on to them and tell them to pay it. Incompetent p***ks!

They will have it on record that you phoned, and should have it down why you phoned so if I were you, I would forward it on!

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Buses.Thats all.Buses. :angry: .

Yesterday, i went to get on a bus and the bus driver just drove away. He was making eye contact with me as he reversed back, why could he not just let me on? <_<

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Three hours until my driving test. Not confident in the slightest. :(

Nobody ever is. The Gray Ghost was a shaking silent wreck before his. Do you have one last lesson before your test? An hour in the car or something?

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