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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Ahh shite :lol:

To be fair on you though, that's the sort of typo that's going to stick with me. I know a few people that like Benidorm on their holibobs, however, it will ever after be known as Bendirom for me. :lol:

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Just watching Sky Sports News and realised I hadn't seen these for a while - The Picture Loans adverts.

Remember guy on phone - "How much do we need, em, darling how much will we borrow? Wife - "ooh 20 thousand? Husband - "Yeh 20 thousand that'll do. :lol:

The she playfully pretends to throw a football in his fizzog. I wish she had.

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There must be a flight from Benidorm in, Kilt's actually doing some work!

PCS Union meeting! :P HA!

You obviously don't do enough work. If you did, you'd know that this will revolutionise your office.

I bet you're one of those office managers who delegates everything to your minions, aren't you? And all so you can spend more time surfing the internet. :angry:

Yes, of course! It's only right given my grade and 30 years continuous service, as I'm sure Phoenix would concur! ;)

PS I REALLY wish I hadn't mentioned the fúcking copier now! :angry: Bunch of piss-taking tossers! <_< I may never post a moan again! :P:rolleyes::lol:

Edited by Kilt
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PCS Union meeting! :P HA!

Yes, of course! It's only right giving my grade and 30 years continuous service, as I'm sure Phoenix would concur! ;)

PS I REALLY wish I had mentioned the fúcking copier now! :angry: Bunch of piss-taking tossers! <_< I may never post a moan again! :P:rolleyes::lol:

Want to change that?

Edit to add: just beat me to it.

Edited by Granny Danger
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As someone prematurely aged, can one of the young pups explain to me what "For The Win" means in the abbreviation FTW? (I'd always just assumed it meant f**k The 'Well).

The only time I'd ever think it acceptable to use "for the win" is in the context of having a putt to secure victory in a golf match.

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As someone prematurely aged, can one of the young pups explain to me what "For The Win" means in the abbreviation FTW? (I'd always just assumed it meant f**k The 'Well).

The only time I'd ever think it acceptable to use "for the win" is in the context of having a putt to secure victory in a golf match.

Pretty much that, except it's l33t.

Or something.

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anyone know what mwii means?

Mad with it. I.e - "Am gettin' pure mad wi' it tha night" or something to that tune.

Did anyone else get pissed off at people for using two I's instead of one on MSN conversations? I've never understood that.

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Mad with it. I.e - "Am gettin' pure mad wi' it tha night" or something to that tune.

Did anyone else get pissed off at people for using two I's instead of one on MSN conversations? I've never understood that.

yeah, i get pissed off at people that use two i's

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My mate has set herself up a FOUR monitor system in her office. She has 2 normal monitors, a widescreen one, and a flatscreen, all linked up to give her a screen to die for. So, so jealous. :(

Why does she need it like that?

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Why does she need it like that?

The touch screen is because its relevant to her work, the widescreen is because a touchscreen on its own is a bit of a pain in the neck, and the other two are greed. Its a thing of beauty though!

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