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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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See considering just how far gone I was last night when I posted that, I'm incredibly pleased that there is only one mistake in it!

Anyway, I'm tired and I'm still online. It's petty, and it's getting on my nerves.

That's because it probably took you 35 minutes to type the thing. :P

I simply cannot type when I'm pished.

Amongst my Spotify searches from Friday night was "Niel Yeuhg" or similar. There should be pished search option that suggests the artist whose name you're attempting to type.

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That's because it probably took you 35 minutes to type the thing. :P

I simply cannot type when I'm pished.

Amongst my Spotify searches from Friday night was "Niel Yeuhg" or similar. There should be pished search option that suggests the artist whose name you're attempting to type.


Even Wikipedia refuses to search that one :lol:

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TBF, Kilt, it was funny. ;)

Aye, fair enough! I also got royally stitched up by the little madam. <_<

"Dad, Demelza (her pet rat) has been very ill recently and I don't think she has much longer to live. When she dies can you get me a new pair of rats to keep? Oh and Mum says if you agree I can get a nose piercing and an eyebrow stud. Would that be okay?....."add an innocent, trusting wee 'melt the heart' smile at her doting father

Aye, of course, honey - that's fine. :)

Back in the restaurant "Dad says he'll buy me some more rats and I can get my piercings - you said that'd be okay if Dad said Yes"

Cue the ex's Ice-Maiden glare across the table at me followed by a "You said WHAT?!?!" :angry:

Oh Buggeration! :(

Hopefully she looks nothing like her father. :rolleyes: Though, he did say she had boobs. :huh:

You're not helping! <_<


Sarcasm isn't always the lowest form of wit.

Hope you are alright for your time off. ;)

I'd wish him Blessed Be but I don't want to be responsible for P&B's first recorded swine flu fatality! :(

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I was all happy and positive after a fantastic weekend and then the first thing I see when I log on here is '


Well,if i didnt ,you would wonder what was wrong.or do i mean right. Oh bugger i wish it was Friday...

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I'm sure she'd be thrilled to know that you're discussing her newly burgeoning chest on an internet forum.

I was sharing the shocks that fatherhood can deliver - it was you who turned it pervy, you creep! <_<

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The volume on the tv being at an odd number.


That bugs the shit out of me too. I can't sit and relax to watch a good film if the volume is on an odd number.

I thought I was the only weirdo to get annoyed by that.

Does it bug you when there is a slight opening on the blinds as well?......

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The volume on the tv being at an odd number.

That bugs the shit out of me too. I can't sit and relax to watch a good film if the volume is on an odd number.

I thought I was the only weirdo to get annoyed by that.

Me too!! Although, 5 is an acceptable odd number for it to be on for some reason..

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People that are just permanantly upset on MSN. Fair enough if you're upset but you don't have to have that supid wee face, a thumbs down and a sad face in your name all the fucking time.

Indeed. I was talking to this girl (not the burd) yesterday who said she'd moved me up on her friends list on bebo. I said I really wasn't fussed about where I rank on bebo because people tend to fall out over it. I also dislike bebo immensely, but I left that part out.

Guess what?

She went in a huff with me :lol:

She made it really obvious as well. "Right.", "Fine." "ok.". It's ridiculous. She's one of those burds who includes a lot of smilies and no punctuation, so she takes away the smilies and starts putting the full stops in just to show how pissed off she is! I don't understand this. It's worse than the sad faces carry on. Be in a bad mood if you want to but don't put it across so fucking obviously in an "I'm not in a bad mood" sort of way. She probably won't talk to me for days now either.

F*ck dabs.

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