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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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You know pagans, do they have a habit of screwing anybody?

A mate of mine married a girl in a pagan wedding. I was one of the ushers and they were asking I handed out some ribbon that all the guests tied a bit onto the last piece and they binded their hands with them as they were married. That sort of weird shit during the service and that....

Anway, a couple of weeks later she was found out to have gone to Sweden to shag some guy she'd met online who was led by pagan beliefs. She'd also tried it on with myself and a couple of other pals but we took it in jest then were dismayed when we found out she was more then likely serious after what happened in Sweden.

That's why it's not called a 'marriage' but a 'hand-fasting'! ;)

And some pagans do have cough an 'open' approach to partnerships! :ph34r:

Edited by Kilt
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That's why it's not called a 'marriage' but a 'hand-fasting'! ;)

And some pagans do have cough an 'open' approach to partnerships! :ph34r:

Yeah that's right. She mentioned it to me on the morning of the wedding and all the guests are like "Why do we have to do that?" and I didn't get a reason off her why so I sounded like a right dick to them all by going "You just have to, that's why"

Seems my pal was unclued up about the shagging around part of the deal.

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The IAMS cat food advert. They have a doorbell sound in it, for no reason, as no one then opens any sort of door in the advert. There is simply no need for it. What is more, is that it sounds exactly like my doorbell. So that's twice now I've got up to see who's at my door only to remember it's coming from a pointless advert for cat food.

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My work seem to make up the rules just to please themselves,We have the contract to deliver to the T Mobile shops but were told that if any security seals were missing the tote crate was not to be delivered.

I got on my van this morning to find a tote crate with missing T Mobile security seals so i informed them,The response was yes we know we have checked it and just deliver it,I did not see them check it so if anything is missing i could get pulled up for it.

I ended up having a full scale argument with the supervisor about it only to be told you will deliver it and that is that.

Edited by keithgy
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My work seem to make up the rules just to please themselves,We have the contract to deliver to the T Mobile shops but were told that if any security seals were missing the tote crate was not to be delivered.

I got on my van this morning to find a tote crate with missing T Mobile security seals so i informed them,The response was yes we know we have checked it and just deliver it,I did not see them check it so if anything is missing i could get pulled up for it.

I ended up having a full scale argument with the supervisor about it only to be told you will deliver it and that is that.

The joys of the courier industry..Anyway i have just beaten one of my main rivals on price so i am chuffed...

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I know which adert it is I hate!!! The new Aviva one with the Plymouth Argyle supporter. It makes me want to punch the screen. That has got to be the worst accent anywhere in the world.


I agree Janor

Green Armay

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Guest The Phoenix
I feel really, really rubbish today.


Look on the bright side, you could be chinese and be feeling weally, weally wubbish.

Sometimes the most pathetic of attempts to cheer someone up work. I'd say that was a pretty good effort.

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My brother went through an operation at Glasgow Royal yesterday morning and he was ok last night but today the colour has drained from his face, he cant eat, sleep and has been vomiting :( . Hope it's just a reaction to the morphine he has been getting

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My brother went through an operation at Glasgow Royal yesterday morning and he was ok last night but today the colour has drained from his face, he cant eat, sleep and has been vomiting :( . Hope it's just a reaction to the morphine he has been getting

Who is that woman in your pic?

It's annoying me, 'cause she's familiar :(

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