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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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You will get used to it when you grow up. Never fear. :D

It is utterly ridiculous that you're less than two years older than me.

This is in no way a dig at you or your situation at all, and I realise that it's not really relevant to anything at the moment, but it's a thought that keeps occurring to me.

It's mind-boggling!

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I sent my passport application away over a fortnight ago and today received my old passport (corners clipped etc) and a wee note saying that my application was being processed. I'm very impatient so how long after said wee note does it take for my new passport to be delivered, if anyone has a rough idea? I was expecting to have the new one and have it done and dusted by now!

I paid an extra £6 odds to speed up the process! I kind of need it soon as well, but inconvenience me all the same, p***ks!

Actually, you tit, I think they have to send the old one on one day, and the new one the next. They're not allowed to send them both in the same envelope, you know.
Exactly! Who's the "p***k" now?! :rolleyes:

F*ck saaaaake! I still don't have it and won't until at least Monday. This fucking annoys me!

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Was walking up Buchanan Street last night, on the way to Kushion. Just past Frasers, there is a bit of wall that sticks out.

I had my earphones in, and was texting away, and had forgotten about the wall. I walked right into it.

I know have a big scratch under my eye, and it looks like a black eye is forming. Magnifique.

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