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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Having to leave a potentially cracking night out at 11pm because I'm working this morning. One of the girls in the pub I work was leaving so I was being Mr Sensible and only going down for a couple just to show face for a wee while.

But the vibe was great and I was really starting to enjoy myself when people started heading into Glasgow, at which point I decided to call it a night.

Gutted now, especially as I seen one of the girls just getting home at 6.30am as I was on the bus coming to work <_<

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Having to leave a potentially cracking night out at 11pm because I'm working this morning. One of the girls in the pub I work was leaving so I was being Mr Sensible and only going down for a couple just to show face for a wee while.

But the vibe was great and I was really starting to enjoy myself when people started heading into Glasgow, at which point I decided to call it a night.

Gutted now, especially as I seen one of the girls just getting home at 6.30am as I was on the bus coming to work <_<

I went out last week in Edinburgh.And on the way home i thought about heading into Rose St..which is fatal.I actually walked down it about 2o yards,when for the first time that i can remember a wee voice in my head said "go home".And i did.

My Dad had a wee op on his face looks like he has had a couple of rounds with Tyson...

And i am still getting my salary cut by my company.I am going to e mail my boss down south and ask what is going on.. :angry: .

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ah just when you think things starting to go well...

yesterday i got what looks like my wage increase, great right? but interestingly enough, no one else has. Supposedly nobody has notified the finance department to get the wage increase put through :huh: It could be possible that i may have got paid my overtime twice this month and be inclined forced to give it back and wait for the extra money from this month to be paid next. Only i have just shelled out for a new television under the assumption that my wage were paid in full, which arrives tomorrow and it now looks like i ll be absolutely fucked in terms of money for the rest of the month.

Waiting to see my pay slip 10 o' clock today to confirm if this is true. Wish me luck...

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What's the point in Bebo, Facebook etc?

Do people not have real life friends anymore?

i use bebo to keep in contact with people

There's nowt special about Clydebank. :P

aye there is, im no sayin what though

My PTTGOYN for today: i set my alarm for 6 50 thinking it was thursday and that i had college but i dont, i could have had a longer lie-in <_<

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There has recently been a new family move in across the road from me. They have a big dog. The big dog constantly barks (and it's some bark he's got). I had a word with the dad a couple of weeks back, I told him I was on the nightshift and needed some sleep (little does he know, I have no job). He explained to me that he was a policeman and worked shifts too. He apologised and said he would try and curb the barking. He did, for a day. The dog has continued barking at all hours during the day. Whenever I shout from my bedroom window, they pull the dog in and/or get it to shut up. My mum and dad have been across several times and other neighbours are fed up of it too. My mum has been advised to keep a note of when the dog barks and for how long. This morning? 8.00am for 15 minutes.

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I use mine for keeping in touch with people I've met all over Europe. Currently, I am mostly facebooking in Italian with the aid of google translate.

Exactly! I've been to work in the states twice now and there's nae way I would keep in contact with half the people through e-mail. Facebook is far more convenient. I would say a good 40 of my friends on facebook are from places like America, Russia and Canada as well as a helluva lot of English.

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What's the point in Bebo, Facebook etc?

Do people not have real life friends anymore?

Whilst I agree with you, I assume they use it just as a way to entertain themselves when bored at home and can't be arsed going out. Much in the same way someone with 16,500+ posts uses this site.

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Whilst I agree with you, I assume they use it just as a way to entertain themselves when bored at home and can't be arsed going out. Much in the same way someone with 16,500+ posts uses this site.

This is the only way I can discuss football with fans of all the other clubs in the league, if I wanted to talk to my real, live friends I'd phone or text them or speak on msn if they were on, not leave a message on their hilariously wacky profile containing information about them (that I already know because I am their good friend) in the hope that several hours later they'll see my message and send one back.

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An old one but a good one from me today. People taking a fucking age at a bank machine. If you need something that is going to take that long, go into the fucking branch don't hold the rest of the queue up because you want to fanny around pushing buttons.

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An old one but a good one from me today. People taking a fucking age at a bank machine. If you need something that is going to take that long, go into the fucking branch don't hold the rest of the queue up because you want to fanny around pushing buttons.

Oh, okay. I'm sorry for wanting to check how much is in my account before I withdraw anything. I'm also sorry for the machine taking its time coming back with my information. Furthermore, I give my sincerest apologies for requesting a reciept from the machine as proof of my transaction.

Sorry once again, you c**t.

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I was hoping Friday would be a bit easier - but it's not. :angry:

Hunners of VAT Refunds to process, huge amounts of passengers in 45 minutes, hunners of Landing Cards to count, three illegals to remove today, the post to sort, frank and send and the inevitable queue monitoring...... <_<

And I chatted to my friend L*** and summed up the courage to ask her where she stayed, what time she was finishing and if she'd like to go for a wee drink and a chat to get to know each other better.

She finishes at 12, she has to pick her daughter up and go home to Johnstone and her man will be back at 3pm, but 'thanks anyway, you're really sweet for asking!'..........

..........bugger tae fúckery! :(:bairn

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I'm drowning in court cases and trying to settle a purchase transaction.

Was hoping for a half day due to the public holiday but I'll be lucky to get away before my usual finishing time at this rate.

At least I've got Monday off

You're not helping! <_<:(:rolleyes:

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On bank machines, the one next to the Union at Glasgow Uni is a farce. It takes the machine about 5 minutes to read your card, then tells you it can't withdraw money. :huh:

Nag: I am skint and there's nothing to eat in the house whatsoever <_<

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I was hoping Friday would be a bit easier - but it's not. :angry:

Hunners of VAT Refunds to process, huge amounts of passengers in 45 minutes, hunners of Landing Cards to count, three illegals to remove today, the post to sort, frank and send and the inevitable queue monitoring...... <_<

And I chatted to my friend L*** and summed up the courage to ask her where she stayed, what time she was finishing and if she'd like to go for a wee drink and a chat to get to know each other better.

She finishes at 12, she has to pick her daughter up and go home to Johnstone and her man will be back at 3pm, but 'thanks anyway, you're really sweet for asking!'..........

..........bugger tae fúckery! :(:bairn

ouch so you:



No worries mate, plenty more fish in the sea. Then again fish tend to spunk randomly in the water and don't get cosy by the fireplace with the missus, so in that sense I've never really seen the relevence of that particular phrase.

Edited by renton
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