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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
Three of them look like they've got hard ons.


Judging by your signature, it would seem that it's not uncommon for you to notice such things. :rolleyes:


I laughed out loud when I read Ruggy's Post but I fair near ended myself when I scrolled down and read Sam's resposte.

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Proper raj. Last night was the hallowe'en disco, which is basically a night where everyone gets pissed. I'm no fan of hallowe'en, but I'd have been willing to go if I was steaming - basically the only way I would've went. Well, as the weeks went on it looked like none of us were going to acquire any booze, so we didn't bother going. Then last night one of my pal's big brother said he's more than happy to buy us our booze from now on, but it was too late and we didn't have costumes. Gutter, it sounded absolutely class as well last night.


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Just had a "OH f**k, OOPS" moment. :(

edit: I'm also missing the disco tomorrow because of the Rangers game. :lol: Why do I torture myself?

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Higher? I'm doing it a well this year, but I've not had a NAB on it yet. No doubt they'll spring one on us before parent's evening next week.

Aye i'm doing higher finished some practice questions my teacher gave out without any major problems, still not really confident though. My brain just freezes and forget the easy things!.

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Aye i'm doing higher finished some practice questions my teacher gave out without any major problems, still not really confident though. My brain just freezes and forget the easy things!.

I was class at it last year (got a 1 with ease) but I'm struggling this year. And I hate to blame teachers but we've got two for the course (one has us 4 times, the other 2 a week) and the one that gets us 4 times a week has got zero control over the class and as it's full of sixth years that are only there for a piss about. I get on with them all, but I really want a good mark out of it and it's not much help when they're there just taking the piss basically. Good luck though with your NAB.

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I was class at it last year (got a 1 with ease) but I'm struggling this year. And I hate to blame teachers but we've got two for the course (one has us 4 times, the other 2 a week) and the one that gets us 4 times a week has got zero control over the class and as it's full of sixth years that are only there for a piss about. I get on with them all, but I really want a good mark out of it and it's not much help when they're there just taking the piss basically. Good luck though with your NAB.


Sounds a bit like me :lol: . Nah hopefully should be ok got a 1 in standard grade and basically the sane knowledge so fingers crossed

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Veeeery petty: people on the F Word calling the pasta undercooked.

It's al dente you imbeciles, you don't fucking cook it for 45 minutes into mush.

When I read your posts I have started hearing Gok Wans voice as if ou are him, are you Gok Wan?

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My flatmate has come home and since I had been watching tv for most of the night I gave him the remote. Now I am watching some programme about fish. I am tempted to feck off to my bed now :lol:

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I'm turning into capy.

Speeding ticket today - was caught doing 62 in a 50 zone. Please note, if I was doing 60, I would not have been caught, plus, it's KPH, no MPH.

2 Fecking kilometres an hour over.


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