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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm sure you'd know about incest being from Greenock.

Please scoop up the fail you've shat on the ground, thaaaaaanks.

Yeah I'm part time in my job as well but have been known to do 12 hour shifts, as well as 16 days without a day off and 9am starts :(

Money's good though. On good weeks I get over 30 hours and mucho tips.

Rent boys are a booming economy at the moment. Suck it up: literally...

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some c***s at my work has taken all the credit for the apprentice newsletter, which i felt i played a very significant role in getting done. shitebags that they are!

Bad that.

What happened at your work the other night?Was there much damage?

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Anti war demonstrators caused some damage seemingly.I assume that this is where you are at..


explains why that window right in front of me is boarded up! :lol:

no one seems to have said anything about it in all fairness, i guess a few folk arent aware of it yet, most people work in the other building.

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Having a tooth shatter during an attempted extraction. Ma fuckin gubs gowpin.

Good excuse to have a whisky.Dental pain has to the worst thing out.

If somebody wanted to extract(pun intended) a confession from me ,starting up a dental drill would do the trick.

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The Holocaust of hangovers with two tutorials this morning and a lecture on the English reformation this afternon. This is gonna be a drag.

I feel fine..again. That does sound like a heavy duty day.

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Gordon Brown's coming into college at 3 and being interviewed right the open plan class that I'm currently sat in. I have nothing to throw at him either. We've been told that he doesn't want to speak to students, and I hope to hell he doesn't.

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