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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Get a job ya White Lightning drinking benefit cheat!

As a scholarship-funded student I've made the easy jump from EMA gravy train to a much larger one. Could probably do with a job to fund the summer. 8)

And your point is what, exactly?

Petty - check

Gets on my nerves - check

Bad day causing me to be a tad arsey about things - check

There's nothing sadder in my experience than the people whinging about how the EMA - largely on the basis of 'I never got it' rather than anything sensible.

I dunno if that quite applies to you, but I've heard enough of: "Ma mam and dad are both out working and don't give me that amount each week." to last a lifetime. Trickle-down economics, people.

The point is that many people on EMA are actually underprivileged in comparison to their weathier counterparts for the majority of their education, be that living in a poorer area and possibly school, diet, housing problems etc.

I got the full EMA in school combined with a paper round but I'd hardly say it was a massive bonus compared with going to a primary that had to set a much slower speed of learning.

And besides, a 2 litre botle of Strongbow is roughly £3, so the rest can be put to better use. :D

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Anyone who is annoyed at people getting EMA, console yourself with the fact they're from a shite family and that you've had a much better upbringing.

Not exactly.

A friend of mine got EMA, lived with his single parent mum. His dad though is pretty much a millionaire and gives him everything, but it still goes by his mums wage!

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Anyone who is annoyed at people getting EMA, console yourself with the fact they're from a shite family and that you've had a much better upbringing.

But most people I know who get it, aren't from a shit family.

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The thing is, the EMA is far too generous. That's why so many people get it (even the wealthier people). IMO it should be families on 15k a year and less who get it.* They are cutting back though, soon it'll be £30 payments only (they are getting rid of the £20 and £10 which I guess is a step in the right direction).

*This change should not be implemented until I've left. ;)

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I love EMA. :)

I don't mind folk getting a wee help with things like EMA. It's just the wee fannies like yourself who make out that they don't need it and see it as a great big 'Look at me, I'm getting taxpayers money to blow on shite GIRUY' that piss me off.

You might understand when you pay taxes if you ever do.

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My main gripe was it led to a bunch of nuggets staying on, disrupting things for the rest of us. It was money for old rope really. There should be minimum requirements: do three highers or you're not getting it. Something like that. *

I may also have been slightly jealous these people could afford to buy a nice £80 pair of trainers at the end of the month and I couldn't.

*And pay it to the parents, as they're the ones incurring the expense of the child being at school.

Edited by Michael W
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I am about to buy a new laptop and was going to buy it from Currys, but my dad has found it £50 cheaper online. This should be a RTBC but I am absolutely choking on a game of football manager and would more than gladly play the extra £50 so I can play it NOW! (It goes soooooooo slowly on my current laptop)

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Anyone who is annoyed at people getting EMA, console yourself with the fact they're from a shite family and that you've had a much better upbringing.

Thats a bit ae a shite post. I got it because my Da dropped deed when I was a wain and we only had one income coming in. In some cases thats true but there are other circumstances.

Edited by Sir Kevin Of Kilsyth
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I am about to buy a new laptop and was going to buy it from Currys, but my dad has found it £50 cheaper online. This should be a RTBC but I am absolutely choking on a game of football manager and would more than gladly play the extra £50 so I can play it NOW! (It goes soooooooo slowly on my current laptop)

I would probably pay the £50. In the grand scheme of things, it isn't that much, I'd spent more on a night out!

My petty nag is that I had a good, long, proper nights sleep for the first time in ages last night, but I've still felt so damn tired today.

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I'm pretty sure for the £30 payment you have to be earning £22k or less. Which is far too high IMO.

It should be no more than £15k.

Does this take into account both parents' jobs? I'm sorry if i'm sounding like a cunt but that is an extremely low household income IMO though I realise for a single mother/father it isn't.

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Does this take into account both parents' jobs? I'm sorry if i'm sounding like a c**t but that is an extremely low household income IMO though I realise for a single mother/father it isn't.

I have absolutely no idea tbh. But the amount of people I know who get it is astounding, so perhaps I'm wide off the mark and it's actually even higher than that. :huh:

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Thats a bit ae a shite post. I got it because my Da dropped deed when I was a wain and we only had one income coming in. In some cases thats true but there are other circumstances.

It was an generic throwaway comment and wasn't meant to cause offence.

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Does this take into account both parents' jobs? I'm sorry if i'm sounding like a c**t but that is an extremely low household income IMO though I realise for a single mother/father it isn't.

Yes it's supposed to.

Edited by vikingTON
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