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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
I have just finished supper, which was a very tasty pasta/veggie bake.

However, I now have the distinct feeling I have eaten FAR too many sprouts... :(

Do you ever eat any real food?

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Weeks without uni to get up for and late weekends has shifted my sleeping pattern to a US time zone. And I can't shift it right before New Year's, so it has to stay that way for another week.

Edited by vikingTON
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Do you ever eat any real food?

By "real" I'm assuming you mean the dead flesh of our animal brethren? <_< If so, then no!

Veggie Pasta Bake

Give it a shot, it's delicious! I have no idea about the incredible shrinking woman to the left of the recipe but perhaps xbl will read this and take the hint! :whistle

PS the sprouts were a side salad - I thought I'd better cook and finish them off before the last 15 went soft! I may have miscalculated... :(

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Sky Sports News are showing the Championship highlights and when Graeme Dorrans scored they said: "Dorrans, scoring his sixth goal since joining from Partick in July".

There's really so much wrong with it.

1. We've never owned him.

2. He hasn't played for us since early 2006.

3. They signed him from Livi

4. He played for them in the Premiership last season, so they certainly didn't sign him in July.

It was a good goal though.

Yeah, but apart from the above, the comment made by the presenter was spot on.

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By "real" I'm assuming you mean the dead flesh of our animal brethren? <_< If so, then no!

Veggie Pasta Bake

Give it a shot, it's delicious! I have no idea about the incredible shrinking woman to the left of the recipe but perhaps xbl will read this and take the hint! :whistle

PS the sprouts were a side salad - I thought I'd better cook and finish them off before the last 15 went soft! I may have miscalculated... :(

Vegetables are what our food eats.

This is what you want:


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By "real" I'm assuming you mean the dead flesh of our animal brethren? <_< If so, then no!

Kilt, if you were in the situation where a lion was going to rip your throat out and eat your innards, would you shoot it in the face with a Magnum or would you put trust in the brotherhood between animal and man?

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By "real" I'm assuming you mean the dead flesh of our animal brethren? <_< If so, then no!

I used to be a vegetarian, and my cooking is predominantly vegetable based...however, its good for you to add a little bit of meat to your diet. We are after all, omnivores. Are you really trying to deny your natural instincts? It seems a bit against everything else you claim to believe in.

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That story with the guy who went to China with the heroin in his suitcase and got caught has made me very fucking angry. What a pathetic shambles of a country.

Is drug smuggling really a crime worth taking a life!?!

I cannae even put into words how fucking shocking this is. China should be fucking ASHAMED of themselves.

I wouldn't get too worked up, many died in China during the cultural revolution for much less, this guy has at least commited a crime and while I don't agree with the death penalty all that much around 5000 people are likely to be excecuted in China next year so really this man is a tiny fraction of those criminals killed in china. The only difference between him and the others are he is British and has recieved major coverage.

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Kilt, if you were in the situation where a lion was going to rip your throat out and eat your innards, would you shoot it in the face with a Magnum or would you put trust in the brotherhood between animal and man?

Sorry, but when would I ever be in such a position in Paisley?! :huh: The fiercest thing in Barshaw Park Animal Enclosure is the Peacock!

I used to be a vegetarian, and my cooking is predominantly vegetable based...however, its good for you to add a little bit of meat to your diet. We are after all, omnivores. Are you really trying to deny your natural instincts? It seems a bit against everything else you claim to believe in.

Whit?! :blink:

The Wiccan Rede

Bide these Wiccan laws ye must,

with perfect love and perfect trust;

Live ye must and let to live,

fairly take and fairly give.

Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill,

an' it harm none, do what thou will.


What part of the Wiccan Rede do you not understand?

He'd be thanking his lucky stars that lions fucking hate ice cream.


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Whit?! :blink:

Well you seem to be in favour of nature, and talk a lot about harmony and letting things do what they will...but by not eating meat, you're going against your very nature!

Anyway, as a veggie, do you ever eat that Quorn stuff? I tried it a few times and I cannot abide it. If I wanted a meat substitute, I'd eat meat. <_<

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Well you seem to be in favour of nature, and talk a lot about harmony and letting things do what they will...but by not eating meat, you're going against your very nature!

Anyway, as a veggie, do you ever eat that Quorn stuff? I tried it a few times and I cannot abide it. If I wanted a meat substitute, I'd eat meat. <_<

Nuh-uh. School boy logical error. Just because we can eat meat is not to say we ought to eat meat.

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Nuh-uh. School boy logical error. Just because we can eat meat is not to say we ought to eat meat.

But it is a vital component of our diet. Yes, there are meat free substitutes, but they aren't quite so simple. The body is designed to eat meat. To say otherwise is an act of unpardonable folly. He said, without pomposity.

Anyway, a petty nag. It is so incredibly cold out there. So cold that I've had to stop leaning out of my window half naked, lighting fireworks and throwing into the garden.

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But it is a vital component of our diet. Yes, there are meat free substitutes, but they aren't quite so simple. The body is designed to eat meat. To say otherwise is an act of unpardonable folly. He said, without pomposity.

Anyway, a petty nag. It is so incredibly cold out there. So cold that I've had to stop leaning out of my window half naked, lighting fireworks and throwing into the garden.

No it isn't. It just so happens that the way we're designed allows us to eat meat. ;) We just happen to have canines. Our body is more suited to eat vegitation than meat, but we can eat meat. We aren't designed to eat meat in the quantities that we do.

This ain't the place or the time, though.

Edited by Cynical Saintee
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