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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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What I've always wondered is if it's "twist" "eh" or "twiste" "H".

I was surprised when I met Supras to see that he assumed my username was just the word "Exuberant" rather than the terrible pun "Exuber" "Ant".

Don't worry though. I think I know how your username is pronounced.

Is it not suppose to be Twisty? :unsure:

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Im supposed to be on holiday this week.My boss has just phoned and asked me to come in tomorrow,as he has been asked to fly to London for a meeting. Having to work is a pain,but i am more worried about the meeting,i hope my job is safe....

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Had to get the coal fires working this morning as the gas heating decided to go a bit wonky. That was the pain in the arse bit. But now they are all fired up the house is roasting. Its fucking great actually. I'm sitting in my big Rowley Birkin QC chair by a roaring fire watching the cricket. Bliss!

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Had to get the coal fires working this morning as the gas heating decided to go a bit wonky. That was the pain in the arse bit. But now they are all fired up the house is roasting. Its fucking great actually. I'm sitting in my big Rowley Birkin QC chair by a roaring fire watching the cricket. Bliss!

I *love* my coal fire. :D I've used it loads this winter. In fact, I've run out of coal... thanks for reminding me!

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Makka Pakka doesn't exist to wash faces you know! That's just something he does in his spare time if it happens to need done. His real job is polishing rocks.

Another lonesome task. He probably washes faces due to it being the only reason the others will talk to him. A real tragic character.

Also, we need to see the back story for Iggle Piggle. Where does he come from? Is it his boat or does he just hire it? What's the story with the blanket? Does he get ribbed for being a ginger in his homeland and that's why he needs to leave? How long has his sordid affair with Upsy Daisy been going on for? We need answers, goddammit.

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I *love* my coal fire. :D I've used it loads this winter. In fact, I've run out of coal... thanks for reminding me!

This is quite a big house and while I usually have a fire going in the front room I hardly ever bother in the bedrooms and other rooms. But today I have eight fires burning :lol:

When the boiler gets condemned I'm converting the house to solid fuel again. I will buy an aga or just a solid fuel boiler and use that. Gas is getting out of control expensive anyway and I dont want to rely on Russia for my heating :P

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Another lonesome task. He probably washes faces due to it being the only reason the others will talk to him. A real tragic character.

Also, we need to see the back story for Iggle Piggle. Where does he come from? Is it his boat or does he just hire it? What's the story with the blanket? Does he get ribbed for being a ginger in his homeland and that's why he needs to leave? How long has his sordid affair with Upsy Daisy been going on for? We need answers, goddammit.

Iggle Piggle, from what I can gather, just lives at sea. His blanket is also his sail, of course, but the Night Garden is actually just what Iggle Piggle dreams. That's where he goes when he's alseep. Upsie Daisy may be a slut, but she's his own creation.

Now what we really need to know is what made Iggle Piggle quite so fucked up.

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Iggle Piggle, from what I can gather, just lives at sea. His blanket is also his sail, of course, but the Night Garden is actually just what Iggle Piggle dreams. That's where he goes when he's alseep. Upsie Daisy may be a slut, but she's his own creation.

Ah, that would explain why he's never in bed when the rest of them go to sleep. It's all a dream, eh? I'm disappointed at the scriptwriters for using that tired old cliché.

Mind you, how else would you explain the Ha-hoos?

Now what we really need to know is what made Iggle Piggle quite so fucked up.

Cast out to sea from his homeland, and having drastic fever-dreams. His number will be up soon, I reckon. :(

Incidentally, I read the other day that certain people were up in arms over the Upsy Daisy doll, as it appeared to be 'whiter' in real life than what it is in the show. 'Racism' was cried. What they failed to realise is that Upsy Daisy is considerably whiter in the cartoon segment of the show, and that's obviously where they got the inspiration. I got Kirsty an Iggle Piggle doll for Christmas, and I think I've played with it more than her. :lol:

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Cast out to sea from his homeland, and having drastic fever-dreams. His number will be up soon, I reckon. :(

Incidentally, I read the other day that certain people were up in arms over the Upsy Daisy doll, as it appeared to be 'whiter' in real life than what it is in the show. 'Racism' was cried. What they failed to realise is that Upsy Daisy is considerably whiter in the cartoon segment of the show, and that's obviously where they got the inspiration. I got Kirsty an Iggle Piggle doll for Christmas, and I think I've played with it more than her. :lol:

Makes you wonder, is that really the shape of Iggle Piggle's head, or is that just what he sees when he looks in the mirror, rather like Moz looking at CartoonHead while on acid in Ideal?

If people want to cry "racism" at In The Night Garden, they'd be better looking towards the stereotyping of the Pontypines, quite frankly. It's disgusting, having a family of darker skinned people living in the same room. What are they trying to teach our kids?

I'd also like to know how they managed to make 8 children, when they're sharing a room with only single beds and they sleep head to head like they do.

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Makes you wonder, is that really the shape of Iggle Piggle's head, or is that just what he sees when he looks in the mirror, rather like Moz looking at CartoonHead while on acid in Ideal?

If people want to cry "racism" at In The Night Garden, they'd be better looking towards the stereotyping of the Pontypines, quite frankly. It's disgusting, having a family of darker skinned people living in the same room. What are they trying to teach our kids?

I'd also like to know how they managed to make 8 children, when they're sharing a room with only single beds and they sleep head to head like they do.

The fact that they resemble clothes pegs also must surely be a stumbling block to reproduction...

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The fact that they resemble clothes pegs also must surely be a stumbling block to reproduction...

They never take their clothes off either.

I think they must be adopted Wattinger kids. Now, those buggers never leave the house, so I think we know what they're up to.

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