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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix

Our cat has bolted out the back door and is nowhere to be seen.

Having a pint at The Lockhouse?

You could always try there on the off chance. ;)

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Only 7 kids she can offer, is that enough?

My father in law died leaving behind 10 children. The mother in law cant cope and wants to get rid of her children so she is wanting to hand them over.

She needs help. (first serious post of the night)

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Well 11, 1 died when she was just 6 months old.

She would of thought maybe after 3 she would of stopped, all kids were from the same father however

Perhaps the help she's received so far isn't enough. There are other support networks available, but you need to go and look for them. Doctors, Citizen's Advice, Social Work, Mind, Breathing Space, any of those should be able to steer you in the right direction. Don't let her make a choice she'll regret.

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Guest The Phoenix

Well 11, 1 died when she was just 6 months old.

She would of thought maybe after 3 she would of stopped, all kids were from the same father however

No wonder the poor guy pegged it. :(

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10 kids? FFS. She's virtually breeding an army.

Despite the obvious infringement of liberties and unpleasant connotations coming with it, if people can't get to grips with birth control, you've got to sympathise with enforced sterilisation: if nothing else in the interests of the quality of life of the children.

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Social work are there every day. Citzens Advice she hears from a fair bit regarding some of there kids and what there getting or not getting. Doctors just keep giving her prescription drugs and its a high dossage.

We(wife also) have been there from her but the wife walked away from it last week. My wife has been getting used very badly and she never once appreciated how much help she has been given.

She is one evil women.

Sorry for the situation you find yourselves in.

It's like something you would read in a trashy magazine. I just hope the kids are catered for ok and have no lasting scars for the remainder of their childhhod

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Guest The Phoenix

I am just a lonely child so when i met my wife it was some experience thats for sure. These kids have not really had a childhood. Always things going on these kids should not witness. What is the right answer for these kids on where they will end up i have no idea.


I believe you meant only not lonely.

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I have known these kids for a good while and they dont have a life. They are an effort there mother cant be bothered we. Why do i say this? Because she is always out and the 18 year old e who had to make sure they were ready for bed and so on.

That's just extraordinarily unfair on them. I really don't think that any "system" or "institution" can help solve and prevent instances like those.

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We just dont know where to go from here, this is the same mother in law who has "tried" to commit suicide even though there are always so many witnesses including the kids who watch this as she tries to in different ways. However i have always believed if you were ever going to try and kill yourself you would never tell anyone when or how it was gonna happen

No, I agree that's a cry for help or attention, not a real suicide attempt. I don't know what to advise you on this at all. It's a tough one. What does your wife say about it? Does she think the kids would be better off elsewhere? I don't imagine the thought of them ending up in foster care appeals to her at all.

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The band Lightguides.

They just got accepted to do the T-Break thing at T in the Park, which is good for them, but f**k me, they are awful!

I listened to a couple of tracks on MySpace, and while they are trying to do something a little bit different, it sounds rubbish. We're playing with them in Edinburgh on Friday, well, I'm not. I'm taking this one off. I'm glad I am too, I don't think I could handle it.

According to their MySpace they are supporting Twin Atlantic on a tour, so that should give you an idea of how utterly honking they are.

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