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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Kick her in the pie.


Classic p&b advice!

Not good mate, not good at all. Remember the No1 rule, look after yourself first. If she wants to make a cnut of it , let her.

Hope it works out ok

Well I tried to be understanding, she's been quite depressed of late (and you can see the change in her), and it is to a large extent because of the house! She needs to get out of there for her own good, but instead she's being an idiot. Its going to cost me, but its looking like I'm just going to have to find a 1 bedroom place in the next week. Next week could be busy!:lol:

Edited to add, so on that note, anyone needing to rent a reasonably cheap 1 bedroom apartment? Phone line essential, some squalor tolerated!

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In brief, we have a fairly informal deal with our landlords. We've been living there for a few years, no contracts, rent paid casually, they live in the house too, you know, an arrangement between nfriends. So a few months ago, they let it be known that they were planning on selling the house, so told us that we would be better finding somewhere new...but would be welcome to stay until we found somewhere.

So fast forward a few months, and Goldilocks (my flatmate) has been hovering between "I could buy", or "I'll just rent", but turns down every decent renting opportunity. Meanwhile, the relationship between her and our landlords has been decling (for various external reasons including his gf moving in, and him having a small room, the man needs his own space, its his house after all!). I'm pretty casual, I'm ready to go, but Goldilocks keeps thinking "too expensive", "too small", "we're rushing too much". Anyways, my landlord tells me that in a couple weeks, major reconstruction work will start on the house, and warned us of chaos, and my flatmate is now ready to buy a house, but it will take Goldilocks a few months to decide and get it sorted. No problem right? We'll rent a cheap flat for 6 months, and then she has plenty of time to find a nice house for herself! We agreed this, and I suggested that Goldilocks should go down to the estate agents and see if she could find somewhere she liked to rent, else I would just pick a flat.

In the meantime, I've prepared for all this by moving all my unessential stuff into boxes, and I put it in the car today to move up into my dads attic, so that I didn't have too much stuff to lug about in the temp. flat. So my stuff is all in the car and she comes down the stairs. I ask her about flats and she comes out with "oh, I've decided not to rent, I'm going to stick here till they throw us out", before reeling off shite reasons. Then she starts going on about not receiving formal notice, and all kinds of shite like that...which is absolutely infuriating! We've got on brilliantly well with our landlord, he's been bloody good, and now suddenly she wants to play all this shit with him, which just isn't on. Plus she's been unhappy there for months, and she is putting a few quid saving ahead of her own happiness.

So I said this.

And now she starts saying "well you move out on your own". I could have done that fucking months ago! Gah! So, so fucking annoyed!mad.gif

Fucking cock teasing bitch!!!

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xbl, in flat shares you should just look after yourself. In my experience any consideration for other people is generally met with borderline fraud and avalanches of piss taking.

Where about in Stirling are you going to live? The only place I ever stayed in town was Wallace Street, it was OK.

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If you're still working for the Uni, XBL, it might be an idea to approach the residential services to see if they can help you out with a short-term solution while you find another flat in its own right?

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Where about in Stirling are you going to live? The only place I ever stayed in town was Wallace Street, it was OK.

I'll get somewhere in town easily enough I reckon! I'm not fussy, and if its just me, then I don't have to worry about standards, so I'll try and sort something out this week!

If you're still working for the Uni, XBL, it might be an idea to approach the residential services to see if they can help you out with a short-term solution while you find another flat in its own right?

Might be an option, I'll probably pop in and see them this week to see what they can do, I'll be fine though, I always am! Its just a bit of an irritation. :D

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I'll get somewhere in town easily enough I reckon! I'm not fussy, and if its just me, then I don't have to worry about standards, so I'll try and sort something out this week!

Might be an option, I'll probably pop in and see them this week to see what they can do, I'll be fine though, I always am! Its just a bit of an irritation. :D

On the other hand, it is you, and locks are optional. Might I suggest a tent? :P

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On the other hand, it is you, and locks are optional. Might I suggest a tent? :P


I've already put my tent in storage at my dads. Like I said, I always end up fine, so I'm sure I'll get somewhere. My room is gutted, and pretty much ready for me to go at a moments notice, and I don't need a lot of furnishings, so its not like I'll have to decorate or furnish any flat I get. I'll have this little mess sorted by the end of the week. 8)

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This weather is total pish and that's been the worst July I can remember.

With the exception of a couple of half decent days we may get in August,when the total population of Scotland will decide to have an impromptu BBQ and the supermarkets will sell out of everything by 10am, I really think that's summer come and gone. sad.gif

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This weather is total pish and that's been the worst July I can remember.

With the exception of a couple of half decent days we may get in August,when the total population of Scotland will decide to have an impromptu BBQ and the supermarkets will sell out of everything by 10am, I really think that's summer come and gone. sad.gif

For some reason we had a really hot April then nothing special until July when it reached 38c for a few days and low 30s for a week or so...followed by torrential downpours causing major flooding and deaths in the east of the country. I don't mind if it's rainy at the wrong time or whatever, just a little bit of consistency would be nice!

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This weather is total pish and that's been the worst July I can remember.

With the exception of a couple of half decent days we may get in August,when the total population of Scotland will decide to have an impromptu BBQ and the supermarkets will sell out of everything by 10am, I really think that's summer come and gone. sad.gif

Their is only one road through Allandale and it was like a river about an hour ago.

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This weather is total pish and that's been the worst July I can remember.

With the exception of a couple of half decent days we may get in August,when the total population of Scotland will decide to have an impromptu BBQ and the supermarkets will sell out of everything by 10am, I really think that's summer come and gone. sad.gif

Was just thinking that today, complete shitter of a summer. sad.gif

For some reason we had a really hot April then nothing special until July when it reached 38c for a few days and low 30s for a week or so...followed by torrential downpours causing major flooding and deaths in the east of the country. I don't mind if it's rainy at the wrong time or whatever, just a little bit of consistency would be nice!

That must have been horrible for you, what did you do sit in the shade and drink beer?

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