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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I was planning on going home for christmas, but I can't decide if I want to now. Okay I won't see my family (who I haven't seen in three years) but there's nothing else that I'd miss really. I'd rather visit another time when less drink and bickering will be involved.

The only downside is that the people left here over xmas tend to be absolute miserable b*****ds.

Go home for Christmas. We're down in Bristol this year, we can meet up furra beer!

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Christmas can't come soon enough. I can't really put my finger on it, but there's just something about it that makes me feel good about life as a whole. I've been playing a lot of Christmas music recently to reduce stress levels and it works a treat.

That's one of the things I dislike the most if I'm honest.

Well, everything except this one:

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Go home for Christmas. We're down in Bristol this year, we can meet up furra beer!

I'll let you know when I decide. I'm up for some beers if I go over though. I really should go back, I'm starting to forget what people look like.

Edited by Breaking Decency
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Christmas can't come soon enough. I can't really put my finger on it, but there's just something about it that makes me feel good about life as a whole. I've been playing a lot of Christmas music recently to reduce stress levels and it works a treat.

You are/were a christian though were you not? For you it holds or held meaning, and so the effect of that is there. I grew up with no religion, and since about the age of 10 have looked at certain members of my family as hypocrites for their beliefs...

"I don't believe in commercialism...but I'm putting up all these decorations, err, just for your sister"

"I don't believe in imaginary gods...but be a good boy for father christmas".

"Its the season of giving selflessly...why didn't you give me a present?"

I could go on and on. I mean really, I have absolutely no problem with people celebrating christmas if it has meaning to them, whether for religion, family, or just because they enjoy it, thats fine. But for me, its state sanctioned forced enjoyment, and I want no part of it. So christmas has the exact opposite effect on me. If it left me alone, it would be fine, but as Stuart. recounted in his sad story, festive b*****ds will take it upon themselves to force "enjoyment" on me, and every time they play christmas music, or try and jolly me into it, or even (in the case of my family) try and make me humiliate myself by opening a sock full of fucking presents in front of them. This absolutely infuriates me.

Take that last example. My family know I hate christmas, they've known that since I was in primary school, and every year, another sock full of fucking presents. I told them every single year that I wasn't comfortable with it, and even in the years I stay away, they would keep on in wait for me. I asked them not to do it, but hey, apparently "its christmas". It took until a couple years ago when, after being emotionally blackmailed and lied to to bring me up for christmas on a ruse, they did it again, despite my explicit requests.

It took a storming out of the house and a flat out refusal before they got the message. They didn't try it again last year. I get on brilliantly with my family, but I will not be part of their hypocritical charade.

Oh, and another thing, it is surprisingly hard to find a fully halal takeaway! Why is this?

Edited by xbl
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Guest The Phoenix

You are/were a christian though were you not? For you it holds or held meaning, and so the effect of that is there. I grew up with no religion, and since about the age of 10 have looked at certain members of my family as hypocrites for their beliefs...

"I don't believe in commercialism...but I'm putting up all these decorations, err, just for your sister"

"I don't believe in imaginary gods...but be a good boy for father christmas".

"Its the season of giving selflessly...why didn't you give me a present?"

I could go on and on. I mean really, I have absolutely no problem with people celebrating christmas if it has meaning to them, whether for religion, family, or just because they enjoy it, thats fine. But for me, its state sanctioned forced enjoyment, and I want no part of it. So christmas has the exact opposite effect on me. If it left me alone, it would be fine, but as Stuart. recounted in his sad story, festive b*****ds will take it upon themselves to force "enjoyment" on me, and every time they play christmas music, or try and jolly me into it, or even (in the case of my family) try and make me humiliate myself by opening a sock full of fucking presents in front of them. This absolutely infuriates me.

Take that last example. My family know I hate christmas, they've known that since I was in primary school, and every year, another sock full of fucking presents. I told them every single year that I wasn't comfortable with it, and even in the years I stay away, they would keep on in wait for me. I asked them not to do it, but hey, apparently "its christmas". It took until a couple years ago when, after being emotionally blackmailed and lied to to bring me up for christmas on a ruse, they did it again, despite my explicit requests.

It took a storming out of the house and a flat out refusal before they got the message. They didn't try it again last year. I get on brilliantly with my family, but I will not be part of their hypocritical charade.

Oh, and another thing, it is surprisingly hard to find a fully halal takeaway! Why is this?

You are a crime against fucking humanity, either you play the fuckwit, in which case well done, or you really are that fucking stupid, and in that case, you don't deserve to be allowed near a computer.

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You are/were a christian though were you not? For you it holds or held meaning, and so the effect of that is there. I grew up with no religion, and since about the age of 10 have looked at certain members of my family as hypocrites for their beliefs...

"I don't believe in commercialism...but I'm putting up all these decorations, err, just for your sister"

"I don't believe in imaginary gods...but be a good boy for father christmas".

"Its the season of giving selflessly...why didn't you give me a present?"

I could go on and on. I mean really, I have absolutely no problem with people celebrating christmas if it has meaning to them, whether for religion, family, or just because they enjoy it, thats fine. But for me, its state sanctioned forced enjoyment, and I want no part of it. So christmas has the exact opposite effect on me. If it left me alone, it would be fine, but as Stuart. recounted in his sad story, festive b*****ds will take it upon themselves to force "enjoyment" on me, and every time they play christmas music, or try and jolly me into it, or even (in the case of my family) try and make me humiliate myself by opening a sock full of fucking presents in front of them. This absolutely infuriates me.

Take that last example. My family know I hate christmas, they've known that since I was in primary school, and every year, another sock full of fucking presents. I told them every single year that I wasn't comfortable with it, and even in the years I stay away, they would keep on in wait for me. I asked them not to do it, but hey, apparently "its christmas". It took until a couple years ago when, after being emotionally blackmailed and lied to to bring me up for christmas on a ruse, they did it again, despite my explicit requests.

It took a storming out of the house and a flat out refusal before they got the message. They didn't try it again last year. I get on brilliantly with my family, but I will not be part of their hypocritical charade.

Oh, and another thing, it is surprisingly hard to find a fully halal takeaway! Why is this?


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You are/were a christian though were you not? For you it holds or held meaning, and so the effect of that is there. I grew up with no religion, and since about the age of 10 have looked at certain members of my family as hypocrites for their beliefs...

"I don't believe in commercialism...but I'm putting up all these decorations, err, just for your sister"

"I don't believe in imaginary gods...but be a good boy for father christmas".

"Its the season of giving selflessly...why didn't you give me a present?"

I could go on and on. I mean really, I have absolutely no problem with people celebrating christmas if it has meaning to them, whether for religion, family, or just because they enjoy it, thats fine. But for me, its state sanctioned forced enjoyment, and I want no part of it. So christmas has the exact opposite effect on me. If it left me alone, it would be fine, but as Stuart. recounted in his sad story, festive b*****ds will take it upon themselves to force "enjoyment" on me, and every time they play christmas music, or try and jolly me into it, or even (in the case of my family) try and make me humiliate myself by opening a sock full of fucking presents in front of them. This absolutely infuriates me.

Take that last example. My family know I hate christmas, they've known that since I was in primary school, and every year, another sock full of fucking presents. I told them every single year that I wasn't comfortable with it, and even in the years I stay away, they would keep on in wait for me. I asked them not to do it, but hey, apparently "its christmas". It took until a couple years ago when, after being emotionally blackmailed and lied to to bring me up for christmas on a ruse, they did it again, despite my explicit requests.

It took a storming out of the house and a flat out refusal before they got the message. They didn't try it again last year. I get on brilliantly with my family, but I will not be part of their hypocritical charade.

Oh, and another thing, it is surprisingly hard to find a fully halal takeaway! Why is this?


I don't think anyone should be forced or coerced into celebrating Christmas, but I can appreciate that it is a bit much for some.

Christmas means a number of things to me. Certainly it used to hold quite a strong religious meaning, but frankly even when I held a semi-coherent set of religious beliefs it was as much about being with my family and friends as it was anything else. With it being, by quite some margin, the busiest time of the year for my parents there's nothing quite like just being able to sit in the living room with the fire burning away, some lovely music in the background, a top notch roast dinner eaten, your tipple of choice at one side, with a bowl of fingerfood to the other, a rubbish film on the TV and just doing nothing.

There's a wee tingly feeling when you go outside for a walk in the frosty air, shopping with friends with the corny Christmas lighting down Union Street. The beauty of a capella Carol Singing, the care-free spell where the world stands still and you can savour it.

I love Christmas.

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'Love Music' nowadays unsure.gif It gets worse every time I go there.

My favourite music store. Have a swatch in HMV, refuse to pay a tenner for a five-year old CD. Go to Fopp, consider paying a fiver for the same CD. Go to Avalanche, get it for a tenner, but with another two CD's with it in one of their deals. Missing (under Central Station) isn't too bad either.

I've looked, and there's a tab for them, but all it's had in it for the past few weeks is Malcolm Middleton's solo work (which isn't bad, but Arab Strap are better). All three HMV's don't have any, and neither does Fopp.

They had two albums in the HMV in Clydebank today, but they're remastered copies of their earliest work.

It's still Avalanche (Records) to me. I'm always going to refer to it as that.

Aye, it's gone down hill of late.

Though as I said, I was looking everywhere for the Blue Nile's first 2 albums. Went to Avalanche and got them nae bother.

Even try going into the Oxfam Music shop up in the West End. It's a great wee shop, and you'll be doing yer bit for charity. :D

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I hate christmas

The thing is xbl, and I know this is stretching believability to breaking point, but if you ever have kids, it's a whole new ball game.

I mean, fundamentally I hate it too, but my wee yin will be nearly two this year, and she's already excited about presents. Last year she was far too young to have any concept of what was going on, but I can't wait to see her wee face on Christmas morning this year.

I think, until you experience that for yourself, then you'll never 'get it' again.

I don't treat Christmas as anything 'religious', as I'm as much as an atheist as Swampy, but having kids certainly puts that wee bit magic back into the time of year.

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There's a wee tingly feeling when you go outside for a walk in the frosty air, shopping with friends with the corny Christmas lighting down Union Street. The beauty of a capella Carol Singing, the care-free spell where the world stands still and you can savour it.

I love Christmas.

As I said, I think all that is great, and I have no problem with it. People who like christmas are fine! I'm happy that they do. I just resent people who think that because they like it, everyone has to like it.

The thing is xbl, and I know this is stretching believability to breaking point, but if you ever have kids, it's a whole new ball game.

I actually believe you. When my dad tried to blackmail me a few years back with "well its for your sister", I explained that when I was a kid, I had to suffer it, and when I have kids, I'll do christmas for their sake (although not Father Christmas, never Father Christmas). This represents the few years I get when I can get peace from the whole bloody thing, and so I really resent people trying to steal my peace. <_<

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