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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Still non the wiser who you are referring too, dont care in this instance mind but its generally a pttgoyn

It's fairly obvious from reading the page that she's referring to the poster with the username HALLIWELL, even if you didn't know his previous username / real name.

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...and proceeded to deliberately pish all round the toilet bowl so she gets a wet surprise when she goes for a pish :)

I haven't chapped their door since.

So, your neighbour was friendly and nice enough to overrule his girlfriend and let you in during your time of need, and that is how you responded? What a c**t you are.

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I'll be honest, if you came to my door at 12.30am needing the toilet as some underage fandan was spewing his guts up in yours I'd have told you to go f**k yourself as well. Imagine chapping a neighbours door at that hour, you're lucky he didn't smack you!

I'm quite pally with the neighbour so he didn't mind, it's the same guy I go on about on facebook that comes back from the pub pished and sometimes waltzes into my house instead of his own!

Anyway - PTTGOYN today. My sleeping pattern is still fucked. Bed at half 4, up at 9:15. I just have no idea when I'll get a decent sleep.

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Guest The Phoenix

My sleeping pattern is still fucked. Bed at half 4, up at 9:15. I just have no idea when I'll get a decent sleep.

Going to bed at a sensible time would probably be a step in the right direction.

Just an idea.

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Going to bed at a sensible time would probably be a step in the right direction.

Just an idea.

Really? I hadn't thought of that.

Just got a lot of stuff on my mind the now that's putting me off sleeping.

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Burning hot cheese and onion pasties from Greggs.

Have just taken the roof of my mouth off biting into one.:angry:

Lucky you guys, I can't remember ever having anything hot from Greggs.

I have now experienced the ying and yang of Greggs as today's cheese and onion pasty was colder than my fudge doughnut.

FFS get a grip :angry:

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I have now experienced the ying and yang of Greggs as today's cheese and onion pasty was colder than my fudge doughnut.

FFS get a grip :angry:

I heard today that they increased thier profits. Must be saving on heating.

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he may be technically in the right. but does anyone else think 'mr adams' is a bit of a c**t?

Mr Adams is a ball sack. If they were purposefully vandalising the park then fair enough, but to have young kids reprimanded for such an innocent act is fucking bent. He's clearly the type of curtain-twitching busybody who everyone seems to have had one of in their street when they were growing up. The kind who would call the police if you played football in the street or chap the window at you and tell you to move along even though you weren't on his land. The kind of person, in fact, whose absurd behaviour actually makes kids and neighbuors more likely to be mean to them rather than having the desired effect of being left alone in their hermit-like misery.

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Mr Adams is a ball sack. If they were purposefully vandalising the park then fair enough, but to have young kids reprimanded for such an innocent act is fucking bent. He's clearly the type of curtain-twitching busybody who everyone seems to have had one of in their street when they were growing up. The kind who would call the police if you played football in the street or chap the window at you and tell you to move along even though you weren't on his land. The kind of person, in fact, whose absurd behaviour actually makes kids and neighbuors more likely to be mean to them rather than having the desired effect of being left alone in their hermit-like misery.

The police were called by a family member of Conservative councillor Mr Adams,



"If you want to pick flowers you grow them in your own garden."

a bit presumptuous?

Edited by theentomologist
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He does, indeed, come across as a dick. I don't know what the family look like under any normal set of circumstances, but they don't exactly give the impression of being a ned family from that article, and I can't see a 4 year old girl battering a bloke because she's been told she's not actually allowed to pick the flowers. It's not a Glaswegian story after all.

I like the sub-headings of the paragraphs though. I wonder if that was an accident or if the BBC is developing a slightly naughty sense of humour.

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He is a tosser, clearly and is completely overstating the point but the police where right to speak to the parents and point out they weren't allowed to pick the flowers. The parents should've accepted that rather than running to the press crying trauma. they said they didn't know it wasn't allowed, fair enough, but how exactly were they supposed to find that it's not allowed if no one told them?

most of those 'sit their and look sad stories' are a pile of shite built on a lack of common sense. It's a non-story and the parents are being just as cunty by taking it to the press.

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He is a tosser, clearly and is completely overstating the point but the police where right to speak to the parents and point out they weren't allowed to pick the flowers. The parents should've accepted that rather than running to the press crying trauma. they said they didn't know it wasn't allowed, fair enough, but how exactly were they supposed to find that it's not allowed if no one told them?

most of those 'sit their and look sad stories' are a pile of shite built on a lack of common sense. It's a non-story and the parents are being just as cunty by taking it to the press.

I agree with this point as well actually. It's not like they've been prosecuted or anything, they were just told not to do it. I don't think it warranted a phonecall to the BBC to moan about it.

However, I also don't see how a family picking a bunch of flowers is causing that much damage, certainly not enough to involve the police anyway. What was wrong with Mr Adams introducing himself as their local councillor and pointing out that picking the flowers was not allowed?

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He is a tosser, clearly and is completely overstating the point but the police where right to speak to the parents and point out they weren't allowed to pick the flowers. The parents should've accepted that rather than running to the press crying trauma. they said they didn't know it wasn't allowed, fair enough, but how exactly were they supposed to find that it's not allowed if no one told them?

most of those 'sit their and look sad stories' are a pile of shite built on a lack of common sense. It's a non-story and the parents are being just as cunty by taking it to the press.

its not that the police spoke to them that bothers me its when the bbc go and speak to him he goes, and I paraphrase, "and rightly so! fucking pikeys! if they want some bloody flowers they should grow them themselves! Marjory get the dogs...."

in fact I bet mr adams is pals with lawstud....

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I agree with this point as well actually. It's not like they've been prosecuted or anything, they were just told not to do it. I don't think it warranted a phonecall to the BBC to moan about it.

However, I also don't see how a family picking a bunch of flowers is causing that much damage, certainly not enough to involve the police anyway. What was wrong with Mr Adams introducing himself as their local councillor and pointing out that picking the flowers was not allowed?

indeed. the police watched them for 20 minutes? basically they've got there and thought, thats a 4 yo and a 6 yo kid, not doing any harm. ah but look the tory boy's watching us out his window, we better...

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indeed. the police watched them for 20 minutes? basically they've got there and thought, thats a 4 yo and a 6 yo kid, not doing any harm. ah but look the tory boy's watching us out his window, we better...

I think it's probably more likely that they kept an eye and, when after 20 minutes the girls were still picking them, it will have been clear that the best course of action was to have a wee word wi the parents to point out there not actually supposed to do that. I doubt very much that the police where giving it the full stakeout, standing in bushes dressed as trees, they'll have been an obvious presence in the park so the parents are likely to have seen them and this would have made it clear that the parents were unaware that it was "technically criminal damage".

Something that could've been given a positive spin by the parents (ie, explaining the police can be a source of information) has instead been reinforced as a negative with the net result of the kids being more likely to grow up freightened to talk to the police and that is not a good thing.

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