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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Last night three different people I don't know gave me the same line about how Edinburgh folk are so unfriendly and rude compared to Glaswegians. I agree to an extent that some of them can be, but weegies always bang on like it's some kind of fact (I'd suggest slagging off the place someone's from the first time you meet them is slightly rude).

I really like Glasgow as a city but the locals need to realise that Glasgow isn't this amazing, unique, dream city full of amazing, intelligent and interesting people. What's even worse is people from small towns around Glasgow who talk about every night out they have in "Glasvegas" like it's Hollywood.

Chill out weegies.

I don't nor does anyone I know.

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Walk into the gym at lunchtime and some plukey tit is sitting on one of the machines talking loudly into his mobile: "The pub...yeah....aw it was mad mate....totally out there, wacky....aye....the pub...aye" and so forth.

What kind of absolute fucknugget is so reliant on a toy that they have to take it into the gym with them and sit and talk shite on it for ten minutes? <_<

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Last night three different people I don't know gave me the same line about how Edinburgh folk are so unfriendly and rude compared to Glaswegians. I agree to an extent that some of them can be, but weegies always bang on like it's some kind of fact (I'd suggest slagging off the place someone's from the first time you meet them is slightly rude).

I really like Glasgow as a city but the locals need to realise that Glasgow isn't this amazing, unique, dream city full of amazing, intelligent and interesting people. What's even worse is people from small towns around Glasgow who talk about every night out they have in "Glasvegas" like it's Hollywood.

Chill out weegies.

What's worse is people from Edinburgh who do nothing but bang on about how much better Edinburgh is than Glasgow. When I lived in Edinburgh it happened all the time. Can't help but feel that Edinburghers are just a little bit insecure...

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I don't nor does anyone I know.

OK fair enough. A lot of people from around Glasgow I have on FB act like this, maybe they aren't a fair reflection of everyone else.

What's worse is people from Edinburgh who do nothing but bang on about how much better Edinburgh is than Glasgow. When I lived in Edinburgh it happened all the time. Can't help but feel that Edinburghers are just a little bit insecure...

Swap the words Edinburgh and Edinburghers with Glasgow and Glaswegians and that could be me talking about being through here. I suspect an Edinburgher living in Glasgow will have totally different experiences of what people in each city are like than a Glaswegian living in Edinburgh. If the people I've met over the years in Edinburgh are anything to go by (which they might not be) then Edinburgh folk sometimes have a mix of genuine arrogance and not knowing/caring about other places, I've not noticed a lot of insecurity.

What would an Edinburgher have to inferior about Glasgow for anyway? Glasgow has better nightlife, that's all I can think of.

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OK fair enough. A lot of people from around Glasgow I have on FB act like this, maybe they aren't a fair reflection of everyone else.

Swap the words Edinburgh and Edinburghers with Glasgow and Glaswegians and that could be me talking about being through here. I suspect an Edinburgher living in Glasgow will have totally different experiences of what people in each city are like than a Glaswegian living in Edinburgh. If the people I've met over the years in Edinburgh are anything to go by (which they might not be) then Edinburgh folk sometimes have a mix of genuine arrogance and not knowing/caring about other places, I've not noticed a lot of insecurity.

What would an Edinburgher have to inferior about Glasgow for anyway? Glasgow has better nightlife, that's all I can think of.

I used to like Glasgow until I met folk from Glasgow and all they did was the rip the pish out of me (shouting KEN LIKE, EH!? in my pus etc) and tell me how much of a shitehole I came from. I don't like Glasgow any more.

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Edinburgh people think Edinburgh is superior. Glasgow peope think Glasgow is superior. Nobody will admit the contary, it's also increadibly boring and doesn't actually matter. The word 'tedious' is overused on this forum but this argment wins hands down in the tedium stakes and is of no relevence, concern or interest to people who reside outwith those two cites. The 'rivaly' reflects badly on both Edinburgh and Glasgow people. Snobbery of the highest order exists equally on both sides... just accept both places have different pros and cons and move the f**k on.

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Went along with a few mates to be in the audience at the xfactor auditions tonight. I've never been so bored in my life.

Firstly, everyone was queued outside in the car park for hours in what felt like fcking cattle pens.

Secondly, "doors open 5.30, close 6.00" actually means that door's open at half past 7 or thereabouts.

Thirdly, the best ones were unbelievably average.

Fourthly, the shite ones weren't the funny kind of shite.

Fifthly, the audience are fcking stupid.

Nextly, Tulisa and Kelly Rowland are shite and should be sacked immediately.

Finally, I'd still shag Tulisa.*

*not something that gets on my nerves.

I'd happily have punched Kelly Rowland in the face every time she opened her mouth.

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I hope the guy that is sitting next to me in the coach fails to reappear. He's a big b*****d and I have only regained movement in my legs since we left London at 10.

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Good, should drink beer instead of cider like a real man....

I was also drinking beer. But I started drinking at 12 in the afternoon and I wanted to go out so I had to save money and a 4 litre of Strongbow was the cheap option.

It was also a pound a Jagerbomb in the Underground, that should be illegal.

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I was also drinking beer. But I started drinking at 12 in the afternoon and I wanted to go out so I had to save money and a 4 litre of Strongbow was the cheap option.

It was also a pound a Jagerbomb in the Underground, that should be illegal.

Haha I was only joking anyway. You drink all 4 litres?

And you also get £1 jägerbombs in City in Perth, me and a few friends have spent upwards of £25 each in that place. It's just not smart but it's so cheap you can't stop yourself

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