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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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some people live in a wee bubble, have no considerations for other folk that have just worked 11 hours if you add the commute into it, and really need to get a life, preferably in the real world and involving a member of the opposite sex, same sex or animal if their choice.

And i ripped my favourite jumper tonight.

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I have about 6 but can't have any as i am working tomorrow :(

I am working as well but would have been happy if I had at least three at my disposal. Oh well,finish this one off then back onto coffee

Edited by ffcsam
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I am working as well but would have been happy if I had at least three at my disposal. Oh well,finish this one off then back onto coffee

At this time of night? Don't you want to sleep tonight? :P

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You get nightmares that wake you up and you take a caffiene drink before bed. Hmmm, it's a mystery right enough!

I know LM :( . I always have coffee before I go to bed. It's just sometimes I go through a couple of weeks at a time where I always have nighmares.

Even if I refrain from having tea/coffee before I go to bed, they still happen.

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For the past four summers I have had a job working for Falkirk Council in various offices taking payments for rent, rates and council tax.

Now, what happens is that just before the start of the financial year people get a bill in saying when their installments are due - their April installment is due on or before the 1st April, May installment on or before the 1st May etc..

Loads of folk don't do this and instead pay their installment midway through the month it is due for, and for years the council have let them away with this.

Now the council is under pressure from the Scottish Government to collect the tax when it is actually due (i.e. on or before the 1st of the relevant month) and they have started issuing letters out to council taxpayers explaining that they're late and need to make a payment soon.

Over the past few weeks then we've had massive amounts of customers who won't listen to the explanation that they've really been paying their tax late all these years and now need to pay it early, and I've had the same conversation with different people hundreds of times :angry:

Getting on my nerves now. Still, only three working days to go after today...

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For the past four summers I have had a job working for Falkirk Council in various offices taking payments for rent, rates and council tax.

Now, what happens is that just before the start of the financial year people get a bill in saying when their installments are due - their April installment is due on or before the 1st April, May installment on or before the 1st May etc..

Loads of folk don't do this and instead pay their installment midway through the month it is due for, and for years the council have let them away with this.

Now the council is under pressure from the Scottish Government to collect the tax when it is actually due (i.e. on or before the 1st of the relevant month) and they have started issuing letters out to council taxpayers explaining that they're late and need to make a payment soon.

Over the past few weeks then we've had massive amounts of customers who won't listen to the explanation that they've really been paying their tax late all these years and now need to pay it early, and I've had the same conversation with different people hundreds of times :angry:

Getting on my nerves now. Still, only three working days to go after today...

I feel for you, man!

In a rare billing call last night I had to explain the intricasies of it at least 4 times before the brain donor on the other end finally got it.

Maybe not for much longer though.

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On the whole 'valuation of players' debate, I'd disagree that if he (Steven Whittaker) were in England he would be lower end Premiership. His stock is high because his club is one half of the Old Firm. Based on ability he's a decent SPL defender, but if you listed all of the right-backs in the Championship, i'd reckon there would be at least six-or-so who are better.

It slightly saddens me though, to read that Rangers have had a bid turned down for St.Johnstone midfielder Murray Davidson. And not because it was turned down. It's saddening that the value of the bid was (reportedly) £180,000. For one of Scottish Football's brightest talents (and that's not my opinion, it seems to be a consensus in the game), that bid is embarassing. There's no other word for it. I totally see why a club would want to get the best deal financially for a player they are bidding for (that's completely understandable), but is that a 'fair' bid?

It's similar with a recent failed bid for David Goodwillie. He too, is a very bright young player in Scotland, so is his value really as low as the value which was reported to have been rejected? I know his impending off-field issues will affect a bid, but surely that's on the low side.

All of the fees are only what's in the newspapers, so most don't know the actual values, but is £1m for Goodwillie, £180,000 for Davidson and £1.5m for Wallace a good or fair representation of the talent in Scottish Football?

It's gone mad!

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Theres a degree of truth in that. Prices are extremely inflated for english players in the premier league. However its more to do with enhanced endorsement and commercial value and the raised financial stakes at the bottom end of the premier league than any sense of 'hes english so hes better'. Not saying your mate is right about whittaker (although he is a decent player for SPL standards) but if he was english he'd probably be lower reaches of the premier league, yeah? Which these days commands money that in any objective footballing sense, players arent worth.

I just defended a rangers fan. I need to lie down.

Meh, common sense first, rivallries second I say.

I did agree with him that fees are inflated down there, but with fees like £18 million for henderson and £35 million for Carroll, I think that Everton are perfectly entitled to hold out for that much. It was just when he said Whittaker would be worth £15 million down there.

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For the past four summers I have had a job working for Falkirk Council in various offices taking payments for rent, rates and council tax.

Now, what happens is that just before the start of the financial year people get a bill in saying when their installments are due - their April installment is due on or before the 1st April, May installment on or before the 1st May etc..

Loads of folk don't do this and instead pay their installment midway through the month it is due for, and for years the council have let them away with this.

Now the council is under pressure from the Scottish Government to collect the tax when it is actually due (i.e. on or before the 1st of the relevant month) and they have started issuing letters out to council taxpayers explaining that they're late and need to make a payment soon.

Over the past few weeks then we've had massive amounts of customers who won't listen to the explanation that they've really been paying their tax late all these years and now need to pay it early, and I've had the same conversation with different people hundreds of times :angry:

Getting on my nerves now. Still, only three working days to go after today...

I know you're frustrated at having to do it, rather than at the people you're doing it to, but you can understand their frustration. Precedent counts for a lot in these cases, and I think that these people have a point.

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Rangers supporting mate talks some shite, and his emails to me don't half back it up. This was what he just posted.

Football transfers are ridiculous down south - if Jagielka is worth £18m then Whittaker is worth at least £15m ken?


Oh dear :lol:

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