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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Got this sent as a PM on Facebook from an American living in Prague that I have no connection to:

"Ah, what a wonderful time of the year, to memorialize the birth of our savior. Christmas, the birth of Jesus and for our secular friends a day of giving but still celebrating the birth of our savior, which deep in our hearts we know to be the real reason for the day. Why not take this time to renew your faith, or begin your faith by recognizing your sinful nature and asking God for forgiveness. He will forgive you and then promise you eternal life. There is no gift more valuable than the promise of being reunited with your loved ones in the presence of God."

Merry Christmas to those of you that aren't a c**t like this guy above.

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Today was one of the worst days of the year, n it has f**k all to do we football

The best bit of advice I ever had was from an old guy I worked with when I was about 20.

He used to say "ye find night a the same", bad times and bad things pass.

It's something I always remember when things ain't so great.

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Agreed, i hate it also :(

My wife would watch it for 24 hours a day if I let her. We stay in a small flat and from the next room I can hear their voices through the door. I've never heard a bunch of self-centred, arrogant tosspots on a programme before. You can't even say that they're acting that way because the six main stars come across exactly the same in real life (and in EVERYTHING ELSE* THEY'VE EVER DONE). To make things worse this is an episode with that Janice c**t in it.

I hate this programme.

*with the exception of Matthew Perry who was surprisingly good in the couple of episodes of The West Wing he was in. Jennifer Aniston gets pass marks because she's exceptionally hot.

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Words cannot express how much I utterly despise the television programme Friends and the six fucking arseholes that star in it.

I thought I was the only one in the planet that hated that! I foolishly bought my sister the complete series for Christmas and had to put up with it everyday for about 6 months.

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I decided yesterday that I'd start using the chin up bar as I hadn't been bothering since the summer. I did the usual five sets of five and did the rest of the workout.

Now I can barely fucking move. I haven't had DOMS like this is a long time. Back, shoulders, chest and abs are all agony.:lol:

And yes. Friends is a fucking diabolical show. Get it to f**k.

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My wife would watch it for 24 hours a day if I let her. We stay in a small flat and from the next room I can hear their voices through the door. I've never heard a bunch of self-centred, arrogant tosspots on a programme before. You can't even say that they're acting that way because the six main stars come across exactly the same in real life (and in EVERYTHING ELSE* THEY'VE EVER DONE). To make things worse this is an episode with that Janice c**t in it.

I hate this programme.

*with the exception of Matthew Perry who was surprisingly good in the couple of episodes of The West Wing he was in. Jennifer Aniston gets pass marks because she's exceptionally hot.

In Band of Brothers, the only thing missing from Schwimmers perfomance was the monkey.

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