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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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When you order a dram and they serve it in a red hot glass. This happened at the weekend when I was at the supporters club poty night. I asked the barmaid for a bunnahabhain and turned down her offer of any ice or water in it. I then picked up the glass took a sip and the whisky was roasting. It's not to bad if your still at the bar as you can nip a bit of ice in the glass(although I hate putting ice in my malt) and still drink it.

Another thing which gets on my tits is how a grown man can't change a tyre in a car. If I'm out driving and I see someone with a flat tyre I always look to see if it's a woman or a elderly person as I'll get out and change the tyre for them. But when you drive past and it's a guy in his twenties who looks like a fucking towie reject it seems to fill me with rage that the c**t cant change a tyre.

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when you're walking along a pavement and either turn a corner, or any other situation where the person coming the opposite direction ends up only being a few yards away from you when you notice each other, you make the effort to move out of their way or swivel past them, and they don't reciprocate and it was obvious they never intended on doing so.

this is worse, as happened yesterday, when it was a really rough looking, The Scheme, type wifey with her demon spawn beside her and its the kid that's in the way...the temptation to walk over him is huge but I just feel it's not worth the hypodermic needle in the neck which is sure to follow if you dont get out of his way.

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Walking towards someone in the street and you go left, they go left, you then go right then they go right and so on a few times before your too close and have to do a big "sorry!" then walking away feeling like a tool and thinking "why did I not just pick one side and follow it through"

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Another thing which gets on my tits is how a grown man can't change a tyre in a car. If I'm out driving and I see someone with a flat tyre I always look to see if it's a woman or a elderly person as I'll get out and change the tyre for them. But when you drive past and it's a guy in his twenties who looks like a fucking towie reject it seems to fill me with rage that the c**t cant change a tyre.

Changing a tyre on a car is pretty much impossible without specialised equipment...

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Aren't you supposed to carry the equipment though? Or is that just in mainland Europe? Who knows, but I can change a tyre, fuckers. :D

Do you mean 'changing a wheel'? :P

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Yeah wheel. I'm pretty sure that's what your man was talking about. It'd be impossible to change a tyre at the side of the road :P

Pedant :P

Yeah that's what I was driving (heh) at, the bloke having a go at folk for not being able to do something but not being able to name correctly what it was that these folk are unable to do! :D

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