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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm in Asda and a brat is screaming down the shop, no doubt because they aren't getting their own way.

What's the penalty for child killing?

Nipped out to asda earlier, and when I got home there was a load of nails lying in the space where I usually park, they weren't there when i left. If this is someone's idea of a prank then they need a good kick in the balls.

Did you have a sreaming brat in tow?

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People moaning about payday loan companies. I've never had to use one and probably never will but the idea is excellent. You pay a few pounds interest to ensure your bill gets paid on time and don't lower your crdit score/blacken your credit history.

If people misuse them, that's their own fault.

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People moaning about payday loan companies. I've never had to use one and probably never will but the idea is excellent. You pay a few pounds interest to ensure your bill gets paid on time and don't lower your crdit score/blacken your credit history.

If people misuse them, that's their own fault.

I've been told that using them does have an effect on your credit score.

A bloke in my work applied for one, was approved but allegedly didn't go ahead with it.

When he applied nearly a year later for a credit card to use on holiday he got knocked back because his credit rating took a dive after his payday loan application.

This could all be bollocks as i've never used them myself. I wouldn't judge those who do use them as I imagine a lot of folk use it as a last resort and get themselves in a vicious circle.

If folk are using it to pay regular bills without extra money like a bonus or overtime to cover it at some point then it never solves the original problem of not having enough money.

Its legalised loan sharking without the threat of gbh if you don't pay on time.

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People moaning about payday loan companies. I've never had to use one and probably never will but the idea is excellent. You pay a few pounds interest to ensure your bill gets paid on time and don't lower your crdit score/blacken your credit history.

If people misuse them, that's their own fault.

They take advantage of the most financially vulnerable in society by charging eyewatering rates of interest. Usury, (not so) pure and simple.

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I went to GA for a couple of months at the end of last year and met a bloke who I got on with pretty well. We both ended up leaving GA at the same time (wasn't for us), but we decided to keep in touch as we got on pretty well, we were roughly the same age, and thought it would be good to support each other if the temptation to gamble reared it's head.

We spoke a couple of times a week on the phone and went out for a few beers whenever we had time. He was always quite hard up with cash (said it wasn't because he was back out punting, and stupidly, I believed him) so I helped him out whenever I could. Later I found out that he had been punting in secret, yet I still bailed him out as he had spent money that he needed for food and bills, and didn't think it was fair that his children were having to go without because of his addiction.

I've not been able to get a hold of him for a couple of months now, tried ringing and texting but he never answers or replies. He owes me money (not a lot - £60) from May, so I'm not sure if he's patching me because of this, or if it's because he is back at GA and has been told to cut contact from me in case I start gambling again (GA refuse to believe you can stop gambling without actually going to GA).

Reading this back, I am coming across as a stupid school boy, but I'm really annoyed that I've lost a pretty decent friend over something I haven't had any control over. I honestly couldn't give a monkeys about the money, yet I don't even know if that's the reason that he's burnt me off as a friend.


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I've been told that using them does have an effect on your credit score.

A bloke in my work applied for one, was approved but allegedly didn't go ahead with it.

When he applied nearly a year later for a credit card to use on holiday he got knocked back because his credit rating took a dive after his payday loan application.

This could all be bollocks as i've never used them myself. I wouldn't judge those who do use them as I imagine a lot of folk use it as a last resort and get themselves in a vicious circle.

If folk are using it to pay regular bills without extra money like a bonus or overtime to cover it at some point then it never solves the original problem of not having enough money.

Its legalised loan sharking without the threat of gbh if you don't pay on time.

If you apply for a lot of credit over a short space of time, this will have a negative impact on your credit rating. Applying for a payday loan, in itself, shouldnt, unless future creditors see it as a sign you cant manage your finances, but they would have to specifically be looking for the payday loan

Experian website explains

They take advantage of the most financially vulnerable in society by charging eyewatering rates of interest. Usury, (not so) pure and simple.

They dont charge eyewatering rates of interest. The APR looks ridiculously high, but thats because APR was never designed to compare short term loans. The actual interest you pay is around 25%. Its still high, but only marginally higher than most credit cards.

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The celebrations about Steven Fletcher being called up to the Scotland squad are irritating. It's a long way from 'squad' to 'team' and expect the usual frustration of playing for a 0-0 with auld Kenny Miller chugging about uselessly up front on his own in wales.

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The celebrations about Steven Fletcher being called up to the Scotland squad are irritating. It's a long way from 'squad' to 'team' and expect the usual frustration of playing for a 0-0 with auld Kenny Miller chugging about uselessly up front on his own in wales.

It doesn't matter who they call up, everyone knows that you're to blame for all of Scotland's problems anyway...

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It doesn't matter who they call up, everyone knows that you're to blame for all of Scotland's problems anyway...

Look, there's no point in going over this again, I'm not taking the job. Just accept it and get behind Craig Levein.

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Having your bottle of beer poured into a glass when on a night out in Glasgow. Instantly makes it taste boggin.

If your beer doesn't taste good out of a glass, it ain't good beer.

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