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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The only other thing the council has done round my area recently is give permission to the gas co to dig up the road.

Then after they were finished by came along the same stretch.

And about a month later along came the water company.

Oh and the sudden roof repair for the terrace. Only 1 council owned house on the bottom not the top. £8k each

Only two years since they tarmac'd the car park and created the drain slope to my garden and forgot to leave the drain..

Love my area council. Really do

They don't run any schools or that, no?

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People who respond to stupid threads started by arseholes like the one presently on 'homosexual men'. FFS don't resond to the tosser and he'll soon fuck off.

I made one reply at the start, noticed who the OP was, then bowed out.

In fairness, a lot of the replies since have been to other posters rather than in response to the OP.

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People who leave the middle of a queue then come back and expect you to let them back in

The 'British' queue system's a joke. The whole point is that you know who should be served first out of decency. If you're in a queue for a bar and the person in front jumps out for a second to ask their mate what they want then any self respecting person should let them back in without any quarrels. Saying that, Alton Towers operate a 'you-leave-you-go' queue to cater for the self-preserving masses down there who couldn't care less about each other and will look for any excuse to get to their ride 20 secs earlier.

When I was at a Brechin game a few seasons back. I was queuing up for a soup and Brechin got a corner. I must have stepped out about two yards to get a view around the corner of the stand to see what came of it (nothing of course) and when I stepped back in, the Airdrie fan behind me said "get to the back of the queue" in that horrendously nasal accent. At first I thought he was joking but then realised he was being deadly serious and even called the steward over (no, seriously!) to get me moved. Naturally she just laughed the suggestion off to which he was rather... how do I put this?... seething to use the word properly! p***k.

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I can't, for the life of me, think why anyone ranting about a cash machine would be remotely "Brilliant"

Mr 1-Post saying "I'm doing a survey, please help me out for my project!"

I answered it honestly. Two inches higher up the wall and one that doesn't sound like a reversing lorry was my idea for my ideal ATM anyway.

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