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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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If it's of any help to you - they don't matter one bit. Aren't the SQA scrapping appeals anyway? If so it renders them completely pointless. My prelim results in 4th and 5th year were utterly atrocious and everything worked out fine.

Prelims are still in place this year but this is the last year they'll have them. Prelim grades don't really matter, the total amount of studying I did last year probably amounted to less than 10 hours, I did pretty poor in my prelims but went on to get perfect exam results. I've always been fortunate in that I'm chilled out during exams, I actually find them quite fun strangely :unsure:

My PTTGOYN for today is Higher Physics. Some of it is absolute mindfuck material at first.

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Went to trade in Halo 4 at game station and they offered me £12! It's not even a month old. Walked round to HMV and they gave £27 store credit.

HMV are the best option if you want to trade games in by a mile. I had a pile of 5 or 6 games gathering dust so I took them to Game (knew it was going to be terrible, but I just wanted to see how bad) where I was offered £23ish, then to HMV who have me almost £70, both were for store credit. Ridiculous difference.

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Donating money for someone who's leaving their job to go work somewhere else. I'm happy to contribute for something for someone who's retiring or whatever, but to someone who's leaving for more money elsewhere? f**k off.

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The number of people wandering round with awful attempts at moustaches. Can't wait for December.

And the Big Issue seller who hangs around the door of the Cambridge Street Car Park in Glasgow "helping" people open the door. :angry:

He's there all the time - it's like he doesn't have a home to go to. :angry:

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