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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Women's football. It's truly awful to watch.

I have nothing against the women who play it, im sure most of P&B play the sport despite being shite

It's got to the stage when I feel it's being forced upon us on TV and media, only because its the "PC" thing to do. Nobody watches it, we have far more popular and deserving sports in this country that would do with the extra media attention

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Women's football. It's truly awful to watch.

I have nothing against the women who play it, im sure most of P&B play the sport despite being shite

It's got to the stage when I feel it's being forced upon us on TV and media, only because its the "PC" thing to do. Nobody watches it, we have far more popular and deserving sports in this country that would do with the extra media attention

It's always good for a giggle at the hilariously bad goalkeeping.

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I quite agree with this. It's not entertaining apart from laughing at the goalkeepers, which is a bit of a shame. Sometimes.

It's really not, if you've watched some of the game in Scotland you'd be lucky to get about 10 fans at the game, and usually it ends with ridiculous scoreline like 15 -0 etc...

Nothing against the women who play, but it's about as much as a sport as me and my mates having a kick about.

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I quite agree with this. It's not entertaining apart from laughing at the goalkeepers, which is a bit of a shame. Sometimes.

I went to the Scotland v Sweden ladies match at Starks Park recently,

And believe me, those Swedish girls could entertain me all night long...

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I imagine weirdcal is a very angry driver. Nearly all of his rants on here are about other drivers.

na, I have to use the Edinburgh bypass a lot, there are people out there that im surprised have never been in accidents.

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I doubt they'd look twice at the kind of loser that actually goes to watch women's football tbh.

Awwwwww you reckon :(

My son is a ball boy at Starks Park, what would make me more of a loser, dropping him off, twiddling my thumbs for a couple of hours then picking him up or dropping him off, having a pint at the stadium then watching the 4th best ranked & arguably the best looking ladies teams in world football?

Answers on a postcard...

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It was a joke. If you enjoy masturbating in an empty stand in fife while watching women play football then good on ya, sport.

Is that a joke too??

If so, I don't get your humour,

If its not I'm seriously worried about you :P

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In all seriousness, I can think of plenty better things to do than watch that pish so I'd be taking the first of your options.

so you would rather sit in your car twiddling your thumbs than watch a game of football then??

And you call me the loser? :P

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