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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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There appears to be a large amount of jakeballs on this site. How much is a KFC meal? £5 or £6 for a large? How much would you be willing to pay?

Any price is too much. Awful, steroid-pumped, additive-ridden cardboard crap. I've eaten rat before and about the only difference was the rat was fresher.

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Any price is too much. Awful, steroid-pumped, additive-ridden cardboard crap. I've eaten rat before and about the only difference was the rat was fresher.

Oh definitely! I assume everyone realises the shite that's in KFC. Doesn't stop me enjoying it right enough.

Edited by Gall09
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The woman who does the narration for Masterchef, India Fisher. Her voice is starting to drive me bonkers. She goes for sultry i'm guessing, but it's almost a whisper and she seems to talk in slow motion.

Really starting to get on my tits.

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It's fucking miserable outside and thanks to Citroen being a bunch of utter c***s I'm waiting on a mate coming along so we can unbolt the passenger seat in order to charge the fucking battery.

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The "Have I got PPI" advert on radio. Fills me with rage whenever I hear it

Any radio advert with wee weans in high pitches voices. There was one recently where two of them were singing, fittingly I think it was about level crossings and being ran over by a train due to carelessness. How ironic.

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What is it with morons and level crossings anyway? Used to live in Kent; they've got tons of both, and I used to see people running the lights on an almost daily basis, including the classic foot-down, shite-it-at-the-last-minute, stop-on-the-tracks, force-your-way-past-the-barrier. Staggeringly stupid behaviour.

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I tried to swap the chips for more chicken when I was down in London once, sharing a bucket with Dave258, but the guy wasn't having it. He also never gave me an extra bucket so I could wear it as a hat.

When did I get kfc with you in London? I have no recollection of this.

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People who don't have their laptops on mute in the office. Fucking email and IM alerts every 20 seconds all day, every day.

I hate this, along with the "you have email" thing.

bee boo ding bee boo bee boo bee boo

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The M8 motorway. Specifically the bit heading towards the airport after the Tunnel exit until the Paisley/Renfrew turn off. 70 limit, but everyone for some fucking reason thinks it's ok to drive in the middle lane at 45MPH making them a fucking moving roadblock.

They do it because they know you support Rangers.

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Watching Come Dine With Me, and i'ts actually making me furious. It's set in Wigan and one of the contestants, Geoff, is a tosser. He was served couscous, and said to the guy who cooked it "I can't eat this mate, there's a long, long story as to why, but i just can't." He then explains to the camera that he can't eat couscous because his workmates would slaughter him for eating it.

The next night he wont eat asparagus and when pushed by the rest of the table, he says there's a list of 50 foods that "real, manly Wigan men" won't be caught dead eating and asparagus, couscous and quiche are all in the top ten of said list. He then had the cheek to storm out after claiming one of the women was rude to him.

Then, the man who wont eat food 'cos its poofy, smacks the lips on one of the other men! I hate him!

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