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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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^^^ Been working all along and not declaring.

Sadly not.

I actually feel bad about claiming it but it's everyone else saying "f*** 'em, think about how the gov' try and get every penny they can off of you when you've been working all these years" etc etc.

One way of looking at it is that this sudden jaunt back north is earning me something in the region of £130. Got to assume something goes tits up though seeing as I've not actually signed anything yet... even though I highly doubt it will.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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I am like a bear in a pram driving it.

I used to drive my mum about in her Ford Ka; I'm 6' 3" and built like a gallon of lard stuffed into a shopping bag brick shithouse, so the entire exercise was quite a feat of engineering. Especially hill starts.

Must have been quite a sight when I got out :P

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People who don't cover their mouths when they cough. Keep your germs to yourselves!!

I've been battering my son about this for years. Wee shitebag doesn't even cover his mouth and nose when he sneezes. Caught him dropping litter the other day too.

I blame the parents.

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I've been battering my son about this for years. Wee shitebag doesn't even cover his mouth and nose when he sneezes. Caught him dropping litter the other day too.

I blame the parents.

Walk up to him, spit in his face, tell him that's what he's put on your's over the past few years and that you're now even.

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Walk up to him, spit in his face, tell him that's what he's put on your's over the past few years and that you're now even.

Been there, done that.

My case is due up in a few weeks.

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Finding out that you have a Jobcentre review in Aberdeen first thing on a Monday morning whilst bring in Dumfries the day before with the intention of seeing family for a couple of days. >_>

Own fault of course but I've been on a steady fortnight pattern and they've changed the interview to an odd week to catch me out.

Going to be a right pain though as it'll be an awkward case of "I'm starting a new job in a fortnight but the wifey I saw here last time said I shouldn't sign off until my last non-working day".

Thought you had got a new job as Global something? Tell them to GTF. You can afford it, and you're worth it.

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Thought you had got a new job as Global something? Tell them to GTF. You can afford it, and you're worth it.

Worst case scenario they've said: starts in a couple of weeks once they've finalised stuff with external contractors which I'll be replacing. Not actually started yet though which entitles me to carry on fleecing the hard up nation. I'm actually the reason that David Cameron can't pay the EU. Still, I'll play it safe.

Who doesn't carry their own bags to the shops these days? :huh:

Probably the vast majority of people. Edited by Hedgecutter
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Agreeing to pick up someone from work who cannot get ready for the agreed pick up time, we start in 10 minutes and he's still not ready.

The other way around; one that's been getting worse for me is where I have to be at the train / bus station for a certain time and rather than make my own way in plenty of time, someone will insist on giving you a lift. Very nice of them.

However... what tends to happen is that when they say "ok, so we'll need to leave at half past", they actually mean "at half past I'll start to get ready and spend 5-10 mins hunting around the house for various things, making catching your train touch and go".

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Shopping bag 'crisis'.

As mentioned it's fucking pennies. If you need to budget so close to the edge that 20p can bankrupt you then you are a total moron.

There was a two page spread in one of the Sunday papers, apparently some shoppers were using the bags for fruit and veg to put their shopping in.

It really is amazing how quickly society and order can completely break down, people are mainly selfish twats.

Is it really so difficult to keep some bags in your boot?


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It's the law now so there's no point in badgering on about it I suppose. I can't understand why some folk don't see how much of a joke buying a bag is though. You go to a supermarket and can fork out over £100 to them, then they've got the audacity to charge you money to take their items out the shop. That's not to mention the fact that you're paying them to advertise their shop with the bags! The money isn't an issue for me, it's the principal. You are spending your hard earned money in their establishment, the smallest courtesy from them should be allowing you a bag to carry the items out.

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