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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm in full agreement with you here, Miguel - but the abuse and mangling of the English language which we see and hear daily is a long way from petty, at least in my opinion.

In an age when people endlessly complain about being misunderstood or ignored,I feel they should make the effort to express themselves properly in the first place. Text speak, slang, jargon - neither big nor clever, especially in a multilingual society. Just use plain English!

Slang is different from the others and is natural/expected as far as language goes in being something that's continually evolving and adaption to best suit the needs of the people using it. Stuff like "would of" is just ignorance and idiocy, though.

Never realised HMV at the top end of Buchanan Street had shut.

Shut some time in May, I think.
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I'm in full agreement with you here, Miguel - but the abuse and mangling of the English language which we see and hear daily is a long way from petty, at least in my opinion.

In an age when people endlessly complain about being misunderstood or ignored,I feel they should make the effort to express themselves properly in the first place. Text speak, slang, jargon - neither big nor clever, especially in a multilingual society. Just use plain English!

Genuinely don't understand a lot of Facebook or Bebo posts; I used to exchange messages with the son of a friend*, and I was frankly guessing for most of my replies.

I'd put it down to me being an old, out-of-touch fucker, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of correlation between the text-speak languages used by people, just random syllables that they personally think sound like the words they want to communicate. It's hard to imagine that they don't regularly have difficulty understanding each other.

Interestingly, it seems like schools have to spend a bit of time deprogramming the young kids now. I know ours went through a wee spell of writing random letters to make his own words :P

* <<< BEAST (to save anyone the bother) ^_^

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Never realised HMV at the top end of Buchanan Street had shut.

Had no idea that HMV was still a thing :huh:

They were still charging £15 per CD last time I was in one, the caaants. You tell that to kids now, and they think you're mad :rolleyes:

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I'm in full agreement with you here, Miguel - but the abuse and mangling of the English language which we see and hear daily is a long way from petty, at least in my opinion.

In an age when people endlessly complain about being misunderstood or ignored,I feel they should make the effort to express themselves properly in the first place. Text speak, slang, jargon - neither big nor clever, especially in a multilingual society. Just use plain English!

There was a complete trumpet of a woman on sportsound at lunch time who started her reply 'yes, no, I mean' I was so angry I felt like kicking f**k out of my radio.

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I've had my pants on inside-out all day, and no fecker told me :angry:

It's 'inside-out', by the way. People who say 'outside-in' are vile, subhuman scum :whistle

When you say "pants", do you mean underwear or trousers? Please don't tell me this is going to be another yank thing that's going to make it's way over here.

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When you say "pants", do you mean underwear or trousers? Please don't tell me this is going to be another yank thing that's going to make it's way over here.


Retrospectively, I can't help but feel that everyone was laughing at me :(

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Retrospectively, I can't help but feel that everyone was laughing at me :(

Were you wearing them on the outside of your troosers? Not sure anyone, even Mrs Shotgun has seen my undercrackers today so they may well be inside out and nobody would have told me. I'm not judging your lifestyle, you understand.

(Note the correct use of 'would have')

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Were you wearing them on the outside of your troosers?

:lol: That image made me laugh far more than it should have. Naturally, I wear my panties on my head, like any normal person.

I may have been a tad paranoid about people knowing they were inside out. After all, I was wearing my hat today.

(Note the correct use of 'would have')

Good lad. Had you not done so, I wouldn't of awarded you a greenie ;)

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Had no idea that HMV was still a thing :huh:

They were still charging £15 per CD last time I was in one, the caaants. You tell that to kids now, and they think you're mad :rolleyes:

I bought a CD in John Menzies in 1996 for £15.99.

With inflation taken into account that is £22. For a CD. :lol: madness

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I bought a CD in John Menzies in 1996 for £15.99.

With inflation taken into account that is £22. For a CD. :lol: madness

Absolutely. Second-hand vinyl shops were an absolute godsend in those days.

Also used to frequent a dodgy wee shop set up by a guy who'd managed to buy up loads of caseless CDs from places like Our Price and Virgin. Presumably it was all stock that people had nicked the case for, leaving the shops with only the disc. Thousands of discs in card sleeves randomly piled high, all for 99p each. Practically spent the entirety of every Saturday rooting through everything they had. Great atmosphere too; people would yell out albums they were looking for, and everyone would reply if they found it.

Sorry, but I really fucking loved that shop! :lol:

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As bad as this sounds. I'm not too far away from my ex's house. Mind you I know philpy lives even closer than that... Only time I have no food or juice in the car and I've left jacket at home.. Magic. P

'Sakes man, you should have gave me a shout on Facebook

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