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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I had to use another gym today, as my local one was getting work done. My blood was boiling as soon is I pulled into the car park. Cyclists. Everywhere. There had been a triathlon today, and the place was full of identikit fuckwits. Generally just getting in the way, and All sporting the same "LOOK AT ME I'VE DONE SPORTY THINGS" t-shirts and hoodies. Just f**k off eh???

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I had to use another gym today, as my local one was getting work done. My blood was boiling as soon is I pulled into the car park. Cyclists. Everywhere. There had been a triathlon today, and the place was full of identikit fuckwits. Generally just getting in the way, and All sporting the same "LOOK AT ME I'VE DONE SPORTY THINGS" t-shirts and hoodies. Just f**k off eh???

Were you not on the way to doing sporty things? :lol:

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I think (hope) he means whoppers that wear "tough mudder" and the like memorabilia.

That's the one. Just as bad as the cockwombles with the "Leavers" hoodies. We get it, you went to uni and left. Well fucking done post-7178-14269775355587_thumb.jpg

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I had to use another gym today, as my local one was getting work done. My blood was boiling as soon is I pulled into the car park. Cyclists. Everywhere. There had been a triathlon today, and the place was full of identikit fuckwits. Generally just getting in the way, and All sporting the same "LOOK AT ME I'VE DONE SPORTY THINGS" t-shirts and hoodies. Just f**k off eh???


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I had to use another gym today, as my local one was getting work done. My blood was boiling as soon is I pulled into the car park. Cyclists. Everywhere. There had been a triathlon today, and the place was full of identikit fuckwits. Generally just getting in the way, and All sporting the same "LOOK AT ME I'VE DONE SPORTY THINGS" t-shirts and hoodies. Just f**k off eh???

See the iron that sits to the right of your telly, go and smash it against your pus, thank you.

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This "No siree" shite that the P&B clones have latched on to as their latest thing to say to try and fit in and to appear 'cool and cutting edge'.

Please stop. It's dreadful and makes me cringe.

Cue the painfully predictible responses from those bereft of independent thought.

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This "No siree" shite that the P&B clones have latched on to as their latest thing to say to try and fit in and to appear 'cool and cutting edge'.

Please stop. It's dreadful and makes me cringe.

Cue the painfully predictible responses from those bereft of independent thought.

No way Jose.

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That's the one. Just as bad as the cockwombles with the "Leavers" hoodies. We get it, you went to uni and left. Well fucking done attachicon.gifImageUploadedByPie & Bovril1426977535.505439.jpg

One time me and my mate went to Campus because he wanted a Campus hoody. Really should have ended the friendship there and then but I persisted. We got in and the place is obviously a shitehole as most people will be aware but there were a shitload of people queuing for one of these hoodies. We get to the front and he's asked to provide a copy of ID to get the hoody, like a driving license or passport. He was the only one who had the sense to tell them to sod off.

50-odd people handing over personal documentation to get a hoody :lol:

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Driving in Edinburgh, arseholes on the road and pedestrians who enjoy walking out on the road between parked cars without looking

Try the bypass and A1 for proper fuckwits. Last night was a cracker with a lassie in a Clio (baby on board sticker too) over taking 3 cars and throwing herself infront of the 1st one so she can go up the off ramp.

Literally would have cost her 30 seconds to slow down. Utterly bonkers manouver

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The Bellend in the office that insists on replying to every email immediately, even if they only cc'd into something that you are doing,

and they have f**k all to add other than another email for me to delete................

Wish I could wire up the send button on their PC to 1000v and sort the time-draining-twat.

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The Bellend in the office that insists on replying to every email immediately, even if they only cc'd into something that you are doing,

and they have f**k all to add other than another email for me to delete................

Wish I could wire up the send button on their PC to 1000v and sort the time-draining-twat.

Or the twat who sends every email as high importance yet when you respond or ask a question they are too busy to respond
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The etiquette on holding doors open for people when they are 7 - 10 paces behind you.

Just go, I can open a door myself. I also don't want to run so you don't need to wait.

You should only hold a door open for someone if they are carrying something awkward, the infirm or for some hot burd so you can get at dat ass.

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The etiquette on holding doors open for people when they are 7 - 10 paces behind you.

Just go, I can open a door myself. I also don't want to run so you don't need to wait.

You should only hold a door open for someone if they are carrying something awkward, the infirm or for some hot burd so you can get at dat ass.

This sketch was made specifically for you:

Eta: Why aren't my videos embedding anymore? Used to just post the link and it done did it automatically.

Edited by Dee Man
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I recently got hold of an old friends number from another friend. Now this guy was my best mate for 10 years when I was younger and I've not got a clue what to say to him. I tried to drop him a text the other day, but it's been almost 6 years since I last seen him. I know this sounds really pathetic, but he'll be a completely different person now and I've no idea how to approach this. :/

Or maybe I should just man up!

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