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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Downloading CAD into my laptop to fanny about and get back into it after a long time. It's gonna take another 3 hours apparently. :lol:

Hardly seems worth it!

I hope you've got a decent laptop, otherwise CAD will drain the life out of it. I have it on my desktop, I should really make a point of using it more.

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I noticed that when you accidentally liked a photo of my bairn a minute ago...

sadly, my bairn ruined said snooping by grabbing my phone on your photos page, lil git loves the phones
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Every single morning, driving in to Dundee from the Arbroath end, there's 2 lanes after the last roundabout, the left hand lane is usually mobbed, it takes you into the city and to the Ferry, the right hand side lane is usually very sparse, it goes to Douglas and Whitfield. There's traffic lights at the end of these lanes.

Every single morning the left hand lane has a massive que, while there's barely anybody in the right hand lane.

Which means there's a lot of arseholes that decide they don't want to wait in the left hand lane, they decide they're too good to wait in the left hand side lane for 5 minutes and would rather try push themselves in at the front...

What they'll do is drive all the way down to the front of the right hand side one and either try push themselves in while the cues moving or just sit there indicating until someone let's them in, usually someone will (these people are also arseholes) as the guy will be holding up the right hand turn lane.

This really annoys me, usually the same folk in the same cars every day.

Just wait your turn you impatient p***k.

It really pleases me when nobody let's them in and they have to take a detour through Douglas to get into town.


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Rookie mistake. Never perv snoop when with the kid, it makes for an uncomfortable w**k.

Was just laying the groundwork but duly noted

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When folk roll on the foreign accent whilst saying foreign place names. I doubt they say "I went to Munchen for the weekend". The latter would bring out the homicidal maniac in me if they said that.

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When folk roll on the foreign accent whilst saying foreign place names. I doubt they say "I went to Munchen for the weekend". The latter would bring out the homicidal maniac in me if they said that.


People do the same when talking about Chorizo....they'll say it like Chorisszzztho!

f**k off and say it like a normal person.

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Every single morning, driving in to Dundee from the Arbroath end, there's 2 lanes after the last roundabout, the left hand lane is usually mobbed, it takes you into the city and to the Ferry, the right hand side lane is usually very sparse, it goes to Douglas and Whitfield. There's traffic lights at the end of these lanes.

Every single morning the left hand lane has a massive que, while there's barely anybody in the right hand lane.

Which means there's a lot of arseholes that decide they don't want to wait in the left hand lane, they decide they're too good to wait in the left hand side lane for 5 minutes and would rather try push themselves in at the front...

What they'll do is drive all the way down to the front of the right hand side one and either try push themselves in while the cues moving or just sit there indicating until someone let's them in, usually someone will (these people are also arseholes) as the guy will be holding up the right hand turn lane.

This really annoys me, usually the same folk in the same cars every day.

Just wait your turn you impatient p***k.

It really pleases me when nobody let's them in and they have to take a detour through Douglas to get into town.


Yep these people are arseholes of the highest order, I never let them in.

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Every single morning, driving in to Dundee from the Arbroath end, there's 2 lanes after the last roundabout, the left hand lane is usually mobbed, it takes you into the city and to the Ferry, the right hand side lane is usually very sparse, it goes to Douglas and Whitfield. There's traffic lights at the end of these lanes.

Every single morning the left hand lane has a massive que, while there's barely anybody in the right hand lane.

Which means there's a lot of arseholes that decide they don't want to wait in the left hand lane, they decide they're too good to wait in the left hand side lane for 5 minutes and would rather try push themselves in at the front...

What they'll do is drive all the way down to the front of the right hand side one and either try push themselves in while the cues moving or just sit there indicating until someone let's them in, usually someone will (these people are also arseholes) as the guy will be holding up the right hand turn lane.

This really annoys me, usually the same folk in the same cars every day.

Just wait your turn you impatient p***k.

It really pleases me when nobody let's them in and they have to take a detour through Douglas to get into town.


Spot on. I become absolutely fucking seething when I see this happening

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I do love it when someone flies down the side of a queue in a lane that's signposted to merge, only to find that nae fucker's letting them in.

Not a big fan of schadenfreude generally, but oh! It's almost sexual.

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What if you're not aware that you're in the wrong lane? It's happened to me a few times when going to Edinburgh, I hate driving there, and I've been in the wrong lane without realising. Usually someone has let me in.

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What if you're not aware that you're in the wrong lane? It's happened to me a few times when going to Edinburgh, I hate driving there, and I've been in the wrong lane without realising. Usually someone has let me in.

That's why I said "in a lane that's signposted to merge". Folk that zoom straight up to the merge point, then slowly try to eek their way forward until they're almost grinding metal with the cars next to them.

"Why, this lane is completely empty! These fools next to me are obviously morons! Cheerio, chumps! Oh...shite"

Bumper to bumper, all the way. It's the only language they understand.

Edit: eek, FFS. I meant eke.

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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I particularly love doing the above approaching southbound towards the roundabout at Bridge of Dee on the A90. Driving past all the suckers in the left hand lane queuing up like, well, like sheep really (phwoar), then me getting to the roundabout, doing a full circuit then heading off across the River Dee.


Have to say I'm quite partial to the old 270/360 myself. I see it as smart rather than abuse. Flying up the wrong lane at a junction/merge is a bit of a dick move tho.

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I completely disagree on the merge one. If we all used both lanes then merged in turn we'd get places quicker. I usually zip up the outside then either force my way in (no one argues when you don't give them a choice) or use the person, and there is always one, that leaves a massive gap to the car in front.

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