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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm 23 on Wednesday but I can already see 1 or 2 grey hairs kicking about at the back of my head

It is only a few, is this normal?

Anyways they're just fucking pissing me off, I'm getting old and I don't like it

Then later on, on the drive home

I called her mom from a pay phone

I said I was the cops, and your husband's in jail

This state looks down on sodomy

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Mostly the one's linked by pages on Facebook, usually in the form of Vines. Last one I seen was a family going through a safari park, monkeys climbed on the car and the wee boy of about 2 on his mum's knee (or a booster seat whilst mum's sitting in the back) telling it to f**k off. Hilarious until the Thug Life (Or deal with it in this case) kicked in.

Here's the video:

Not getting sound on that for some reason :huh:

By the looks of it, you might want to stay away from the REKT thread ^_^

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I actually was getting that pissed off trying to see them under the light of the mirror I took a photo of my head. Embarassing :lol:

Safe to say I'm massively overreacting, I just don't like getting older :(

I used to know a laddie who claimed getting older was great. Society considers that men generally become more attractive as they age (to a point), while the opposite is true for women. According to him, women who wouldn't have touched him with a ten foot pole when he was a young man became desperate if they'd reached a certain age and were still single, while younger lassies thought he was all debonair and mysterious purely 'cause he was older than them. Plus, he reckoned some liked to hook up with him to spite their parents, or because they had daddy issues. So, basically, he was plowing everything like it was harvest time.

He may have been a bit of a sociopath, thinking about it :unsure2:

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Been grey since early 20s, now white, no way around it, it's WHITE (and so are my pubes!

Deal with it man!

Aye, I've never known my father without white hair. He apparently went white when he was 23, and there's no photo in existence of him before he was 40.

That's weird, isn't it? Maybe he was a spy or something :unsure2:

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I'm 23 on Wednesday but I can already see 1 or 2 grey hairs kicking about at the back of my head

It is only a few, is this normal?

Anyways they're just fucking pissing me off, I'm getting old and I don't like it

Going bald is just around the corner for you.

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I used to know a laddie who claimed getting older was great. Society considers that men generally become more attractive as they age (to a point), while the opposite is true for women. According to him, women who wouldn't have touched him with a ten foot pole when he was a young man became desperate if they'd reached a certain age and were still single, while younger lassies thought he was all debonair and mysterious purely 'cause he was older than them. Plus, he reckoned some liked to hook up with him to spite their parents, or because they had daddy issues. So, basically, he was plowing everything like it was harvest time.

He may have been a bit of a sociopath, thinking about it :unsure2:

Didn't realise you were friends with Barney Stinson.

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I'm 23 on Wednesday ... I'm getting old and I don't like it

23 is fucking awesome :angry:

I noticed my first grey hair at 19. They appeared to be more obvious at some times than others (one summer I had a cool white stripe down the middle of my head like Cruella de Vil) but they get more prevalent with each cycle. At 52, there's more grey than not nowadays.

The grey hair doesn't bother me all that much. What bothers me is the people (usually women) who haven't seen me in a while and feel the compulsive need to point it out to me as if they think I wasn't aware of it.

"Oh my gaaaaawwd, your hair is so grey, I can't believe it! What happened?"

Just f**k off.

Impossible, only women are objectified and judged on their appearance :rolleyes:

I highly recommend the "Have you stopped going to the gym" and "Cute wrinkles" comebacks.

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Impossible, only women are objectified and judged on their appearance :rolleyes:

I highly recommend the "Have you stopped going to the gym" and "Cute wrinkles" comebacks.

I haven't yet plucked up the courage but one day I'll respond with "Jeez, when did your arse get so big?"

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