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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Sounds suspiciously like going to the pub tbh

Interesting. So cricket grounds are basically huge open ring-shaped pubs with views of light entertainment a giant lawn.

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I have a habit of sleeping on my back with my hands on my chest tucked up under my chin. I basically look like a T-Rex that's fallen on its back.

This usually results in a massive case of pins and needles, or my hands and arms going to sleep completely. One night I woke up and could feel that this had happened, so I stretched my arms up towards the ceiling to get the blood flowing again.

My arms were so fucked that I had absolutely no sensation of what happened next. Basically one of my arms fell back towards my head and I punched myself in the mouth, bursting my lip in the process. Not realising that it was my own arm, I assumed there was someone in the room attacking me, so I jumped out of bed swinging my useless arms about like some kind of boneless jelly person.

Took me fucking ages to get back to sleep.

I did something similar when I lived in a cottage in the country. I used to watch the bats flying around the trees out the back so when I woke up in the middle of the night with something cold and clammy at my neck, my first sleepy thought was it was a bat. I pushed it away but it came right back so I pushed it away again. When it flapped back at my throat I lost it. I leapt from the bed, screaming my head off and threw the quilt over where I thought the bat would have landed. The dug was going mental in the living room at the noise so I let it in and told it to "Hunt" "Hunt" "Kill the fucker, kill the fucker". The dug went into full-on spas mode and was barking, snarling and howling but we never found the bat.

It was years before I realised my arm had gone to sleep and had flopped against my neck.

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Im beginning to see the fascination with cricket.

Could be an interesting summer ahead.

Wonder if sitting on your back lawn in your pants with a few tinnys has the same effect?


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Leaving work at half 3, because you got that final piece of work done before the weekend.

Shame I was meant to vacate the office at 2.30 since it's a bank holiday weekend. :(

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Canceled my plans to go to a soul night tonight due to a mixture of tiredness and limited babysitting availability and just had a call reminding me that it's the first anniversary of my aul fellas death tomorrow, something which I had purposefully pushed out of my mind.

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Canceled my plans to go to a soul night tonight due to a mixture of tiredness and limited babysitting availability and just had a call reminding me that it's the first anniversary of my aul fellas death tomorrow, something which I had purposefully pushed out of my mind.

Not good mate. Sure I said at the time I wouldn't know what to do when my old man goes, you should repost your eulogy as it was absolutely brilliant
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Not good mate. Sure I said at the time I wouldn't know what to do when my old man goes, you should repost your eulogy as it was absolutely brilliant

Did I post that on here? Truth be told that period is a bit hazy. Was it maybe on Facebook, Cal?

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Did I post that on here? Truth be told that period is a bit hazy. Was it maybe on Facebook, Cal?

Cannot mind if here or facebook but it was beautifully written. Very moving piece that I think would some it up for us all

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Was away with my youngest boy for a couple of nights (my eldest is away on holiday with my mum and dad).

Got back about half an hour ago, had been bursting for a shite for at least an hour on the way home, and discovered there was no toilet roll left. My wife is away to Manchester this weekend to continue her UK wide stalking of Take That, and left yesterday, knowing fine well there was no bog roll left.

I was tempted to wipe my shithole with her £25 packet of face wipes.

Divorce material right there.

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