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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I complain all the time about my missus, but I wouldn't change her. Having been on the wrong end of a couple of bat shit crazy, psychologically deranged and incredibly controlling partners(They were utterly filthy, it took a long time to realise that the trade off wasn't worth it), I'm now with someone who is, for the most part, very normal.

The only time we fall out is when I say I'm heading out for a couple of pints and come home absolutely steaming, several hours after I said I would. She now falls out with me before I go out as she knows what I'm like. It is my fault, but it also gives me a good excuse when I want to avoid a night out for any reason.

This summer has been pretty boring actually. Can't wait for the football season to start back up so I can get rattled into the bevvy and make up sex.

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My ex was like a lot of what's being said on here possessive, jealous, violent, my family and friends couldn't stand her but she was stunning so I put up with a whole bag of shite until I ended up on anti-deps.

When I finally plucked the courage up to leave her that was her time to tell me we were going to be parents... So we spoke long and hard she admitted she knew she had a problem and if we were having an argument she sometimes knew she was wrong but "couldn't" back down (yeah psycho confirmed :D )

I stuck around for the sake of our son but pretty much had a breakdown and moved back to my mums before his 1st birthday.

I spent the next year and a bit fighting in the courts to see my Son. This was all 15 years ago and I spent the next 7 years sorting myself out, paying off debts, contacting friends I had lost in the years I hadn't been 'allowed' out, and eventually managed to get my mot gage and buy my house, I was doing everything for me and my Son, nobody else and I swore I would never be tied down again and was happy to be single.

Then I met my now wife and she is the polar opposite of my ex, basically the two of us can do whatever we want as long as we let each other know of any plans, she is happy for me to socialise with female friends, she even regularly points out hot girls as we are walking or driving saying things like 'wow, check her ass' :D with my ex I would have to look up at the clouds or wear sunglasses in the presence of anybody hot.

I wouldn't change any of my life story as I have a fantastic 15 yr old son now who I'd be lost without, but if my situation sounds familiar to anybody please sort yourself out before there are kids involved.

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I complain all the time about my missus, but I wouldn't change her. Having been on the wrong end of a couple of bat shit crazy, psychologically deranged and incredibly controlling partners(They were utterly filthy, it took a long time to realise that the trade off wasn't worth it), I'm now with someone who is, for the most part, very normal.

The only time we fall out is when I say I'm heading out for a couple of pints and come home absolutely steaming, several hours after I said I would. She now falls out with me before I go out as she knows what I'm like. It is my fault, but it also gives me a good excuse when I want to avoid a night out for any reason.

This summer has been pretty boring actually. Can't wait for the football season to start back up so I can get rattled into the bevvy and make up sex.

Women do not understand the true meaning of "a couple of pints, or out for an hour". They need to be able to consider the unspoken "dozen" and learn that an hour in drinking time is all day. Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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You're only saying that because she will see it and you want an easy life.

None of us really like our other halfs do we... [/quote

You obvs dont since you pumped some wee dirty behind her back

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Long story short. One of our old friends from school started seeing a guy.

He was a very possessive individual, who wouldn't let her go out with her male friends unless he was there. Despite us being friends for many years and long before he came into the scene.

It got to the stage he made her choose between her old friends and him.

They are married now apparently. None of her male friends got an invite to the wedding, only his.

Their is somewhere between 0 - zero chance of any marriage working out well when 1 partner had to choose between friends and the other partner.

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You're only saying that because she will see it and you want an easy life.

None of us really like our other halfs do we... [/quote

You obvs dont since you pumped some wee dirty behind her back

Pfft that's old news. We've now settled, bought a house outright and are having a kid. Everyone's going to do silly things at 21 unfortunately.

Like all other women, she's not a fan of the old couple of pints lie. If I say I'll be home for 10 and I'm struggling to open the front door at 4am then we tend not to talk for a day. I think she's just jealous she can't drink cos she's pregnant.

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Maturity plays a big part too, obviously. A lot of young people don't have any idea how to be in a relationship with another person, don't understand compromise or don't feel secure in themselves. You need to learn how to do that stuff. Then again, there's a lot of older people that have never mastered that either!

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Pfft that's old news. We've now settled, bought a house outright and are having a kid. Everyone's going to do silly things at 21 unfortunately.

Like all other women, she's not a fan of the old couple of pints lie. If I say I'll be home for 10 and I'm struggling to open the front door at 4am then we tend not to talk for a day. I think she's just jealous she can't drink cos she's pregnant.

Surely most lads do that though. My mrs even does it

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Women do not understand the true meaning of "a couple of pints, or out for an hour". They need to be able to consider the unspoken "dozen" and learn that an hour in drinking time is all day.

My other half eventually learned that a 'swift half' can be anything from a nip and a half through to a three day binge.

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Mrs M and of the other ladies on here....

If 1 of your Female pals were treating their man like shite and controlling him, would you intervene and tell her to grow up?

If 1 of my mates was beating his wife or messing wi her head and belittling her, I feel I'd knock his face into next week.

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