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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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You will have to phone your insurance company as they will deal with a certain company IE-Autoglass or AA,If you don't use the one they say will have to pay the full cost.

Balls the only reason we use the one we do is because we know the guy that runs it. I'll leave it for now and use mum and dads car til they come back.

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Letting the facial hair come in so I can have a bit of a comedy beard for Saturday, but I can't really think of anything to do with the hair.

Also, it's really, really uncomfortable.

Thank f**k, I won't be the only one with embarassing facial hair! :(

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Was it a good indigenous British midge that bit you, or one of those horrible malaria carrying darkie c'nts from Africa?


:lol::lol::lol: 'I've been bitten by a TseTse fly.....*

*And he'll never get that musical refernce either! ;)

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Bought one of those Asus EEE PC laptops today, and the trackpad has to be the worst thing I've ever used. It doesn't matter how much I change the sensitivity, it sticks. Other than that, it's good. Annoying as hell though.

Oh and I wasnt paying attention and posted this in completely the wrong thread. Not even close.

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Sleep. Or lack of :(

I empathise - my body clock must be broken..... :(

Same.. Although I slept until half past 12 today. I'm wide awake right now though.

It's jet-lag dearie! You've flown backwards over the Greenwich meantime, summertime bollocks clock. See, if we'd kept the traditional Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter Equinoxes, none of this 'wide awake at three o'clock in the morning' pish! :rolleyes:


It's pishin doon in Paisley right noo, BTW! :(

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the BBC have redone their website, so I have to go through a load of international news before I get to see what's happening at home now. As if I care what the Malawian government is up to, you go on the beeb, you expect news from home.

You can't reset it for location now as well.

Bar Stewards.

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