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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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the poor press conference by ann thingy the british tennis player.

1. she shouldn't have got into it.


2. the journo asking the question reduced her to tears. "do you feel you've let everyone down today"

he wouldn't have asked murray that question if the situation was different, cause murray -or more likely murray's team- would have kissed him in the glasgow way.

but its ok to ask a wee woman basically, "you're shit and you know you are". ?

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My mind is fully alert and awake but my body is starting to fall to bits. I feckin' hate insomnia - I ache all over but can't sleep! :(

Try and stay awake for as long as possible and you will fall asleep. The more you try to go to sleep the more your mind will fight against it. Good old Ironic Disorder Effect.

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My mind is fully alert and awake but my body is starting to fall to bits. I feckin' hate insomnia - I ache all over but can't sleep! :(

I get it as well pal, with the night terrors when I can finally sleep . I say that's why i drink so much :lol:

Best of luck falling into slumber...

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How can you ever sleep then? :P

Please, please please tell me that was in reference to the fact she's mentioned it has been really hot in Sweden recently, and not a cheesy chat up line centred upon the fact you think she always looks really 'hot'.

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