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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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It was a pretty quality night for us! we went for the football and something to eat but nearly ended up wanting to go dancing (hence why i had to leave!) Loft on a Wednesday night is just WRONG WRONG WRONG!

Did i see you out last night too or am i imagining it? I was out at 3.30pm, so you can imagine how drunk i was!!

You're imagining it! :lol:

I had to do an eleven hour shift yesterday, so was too tired to go out after work and went home to bed instead. Out next Thursday and Saturday, though. I liked your boots!

Edited by SaintSam
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I couldn't post this yesterday as pie and bovril was down.

When I went to meet the boy from school yesterday at 3pm, one of the mothers of a classmate of his had come to pick her son up....on a horse. :o

Now, I like horses, but surely a Primary school access road is not the place to sit on a horse and wait for your child? There must have been upwards of 50 vehicles coming into the school at that point.

Surely this is gross stupidity? The bloody thing was standing at the entrance of the school part blocking the road. People like this should be sterilised.

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I couldn't post this yesterday as pie and bovril was down.

When I went to meet the boy from school yesterday at 3pm, one of the mothers of a classmate of his had come to pick her son up....on a horse. :o

Now, I like horses, but surely a Primary school access road is not the place to sit on a horse and wait for your child? There must have been upwards of 50 vehicles coming into the school at that point.

Surely this is gross stupidity? The bloody thing was standing at the entrance of the school part blocking the road. People like this should be sterilised.

That's quite funny, hope it managed the whitletts roundabout ok

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My girlf has just phoned to say she saw one of the neighbours from the top flat in our building as she was going out. She said "hi" and the other girl just looked right thru her and walked past without saying anything. The same thing happened to me the other day too and our other neighbours arent too friendly either.

Granted this is the west end where people generally seem up themselves but even accounting for that it does seem very rude. We even invited all the neighbours round for a drink after we moved in but since then no-one has reciprocated or made much of an effort. Some mates of mine seem to become great buddies with their neighbours and even stay in touch with them once they move on but that never happens to me.

Whats the opinion on here of neighbours? People to be tolerated or potential friends?? :unsure:

Edited by supermac
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Whats the opinion on here of neighbours? People to be tolerated or potential friends?? :unsure:

I haven't exchanged a word with my neighbours in 5 years (admittedly I live in a flat, so dont have anyone living right beside me, but still...).

I couldn't tell you any of their names, and am quite happy with that.

Admittedly if any of them were foxy chicks, I may have made more of an effort.

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My neighbours are decent enough. A young couple just moved into the house a couple of months ago. I don't think the bloke is allowed to smoke in the house (makes two of us, mate!) and we have a chat when we are out. I even had a couple of beers with him just after new year.

There is a house across the road that is a total nightmare right enough. It's a homeless house and when you breath a sigh of relif when the last people move out, folk that are twice as bad as they were, move in!

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Guest The Phoenix
We're friendly with all of our neighbours.

Indeed, our next door neighbour sends over some of her home-made chicken korma when she makes it. I love it!

Courier or Royal Mail?

Would it not be more neighbourly to bring it round herself? :unsure:

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Whats the opinion on here of neighbours? People to be tolerated or potential friends?? :unsure:

Our first set of neighbours have beome really good freinds.

Our second set were my sister in law and now husband and we saw very little of them. But they offered us a good price on our flat and we moved next door.

When we moved here there was a family with a 14 and 3 yr old and we are really good friends with them.

They moved in November and a couple about my age have moved in and have a 3 yr old. Say hi as we pass but haven't spent much time chatting. Maybe get to know them more in the summer when we're out in the back gardens.

Easier to at very least get on with neighbours.

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Neighbours! :D

Where i grew up was great, it was a proper street where all the kids played with each other and could be trusted to do anything together - it was an awesome part of childood and i've moved to a completely different area from where i was (6 years ago!) and we are friendlish with one side of our neighbours, but the other side has had 3 different sets of neighbours and the current one are total pains in the ass - we've tried chatting to them but they just shrug, their kids have parties all the time (i normally wouldn't bother but it's usually a Thursday and i ave work on a friday!) and the woman is ignorant as f**k - she works in the council and i knew her from my time working in her department. The kids from one of her parties actually done in the other sides car. I cannae stand them, or the people in this area in particular - all up themselves, cliquey, nosey b*****ds!!

I miss Craigie! :(

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My neighbours are ok, next door is an old lady, a morton fan who is quite friendly, on the other side of us is an old alky couple who seem to be permanantly steamboats and its always amusing to come home from a night out with a few friends to find one or both of them passed out on the stairs, flat abov me is a bloke who was in school with me.

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Guest The Phoenix
I want to watch 'How to make an American Quilt' on DVD but my husband for some reason has the DVD hooked up through the video, on which I'm taping Vera Drake :angry:<_<

Problem solved -

Quilting is the process of taking two pieces of fabric, putting a layer of wool, cotton, or stuffing in-between, and stitching them together. People all over the world, from China to Africa to Europe, have been quilting clothing and blankets for centuries.

In America, quilts have been keeping people warm for generations. Patchwork quilting--taking scraps of cloth arranged in geometric designs and then quilting them to make a bed cover--became very popular in the 19th century. The stitching or quilting not only keeps the layers together, but also adds a decorative element. Quilting is still very popular in America today.


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Problem solved -

Quilting is the process of taking two pieces of fabric, putting a layer of wool, cotton, or stuffing in-between, and stitching them together. People all over the world, from China to Africa to Europe, have been quilting clothing and blankets for centuries.

In America, quilts have been keeping people warm for generations. Patchwork quilting--taking scraps of cloth arranged in geometric designs and then quilting them to make a bed cover--became very popular in the 19th century. The stitching or quilting not only keeps the layers together, but also adds a decorative element. Quilting is still very popular in America today.


Thank you for that. I have just popped downstairs for something to eat and a drink and am currently atching it in bedroom having evicted snoring smelly husband to spare room!

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